
27 januari 2010

The DWC publishes a bi-annual bibliography with the aim of making all literature on the history of Dutch science and universities available online. . The bibliography is partly a continuation of the periodic bibliographies that were published from 1998 to 2006 in the Dutch journal Gewina (maintaned by Frank Huisman, Geert Verbong, Leo van Bergen, Danny Beckers, and Rienk Vermij, respectively), and partly a continuation of the bibliographies that have appeared in the Belgian Nieuwsbrief universiteitsgeschiedenis.It covers the entire field of the history of Dutch science and of Low Countries universities, and is made available as a PDF file, using the bibliographical division standardised by the journal Isis. Download the PDF file (versie mei 2009).

Contributing to the bibliography

It would be a great help if you could report your publications to us for inclusion in the DWC bibliography. We are grateful for your e-mail message.

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