Johannes Jacobus van Laar
MALEDen Haag, Netherlands 11-07-1860 - † Clarens, Switzerland 09-12-1938
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
- KNAW-Lid

Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
- Clarens
- Utrecht
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Correspondent Afdeling Natuurkunde 15-05-1930 - Nederlands Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres
Member [..1890]
- Laar, J.J. van, Verslagen Natuurkunde 47, 1938, p. 86 door J. van der Hoeve; Jaarboek 1938/39, p. 239-243 door W.P. Jorissen.
- Ledenlijst Vereeniging het Nederl. Natuur- en Geneesk. Congres (1890).
On the Equation of State for Arbitrary Temperatures and Volumes. Analogy with Planck's formula Year: . Pages: 17. (PDF format)
On the Fundamental Values of the Quantities B and √a for Different Elements, in Connection with the Periodic System. IV. The Elements of the Halogen- Oxygen- and Nitrogen Groups Year: . Pages: 27. (PDF format)
A new relation between the critical quantities and on the unity of all substances in their thermic behaviour. (Continuation) Year: . Pages: 16. (PDF format)
On the variability of the quantity b in Van der Waals' equation of state, also in connection with the critical quantities. III Year: . Pages: 18. (PDF format)
On the solid state Year: . Pages: 18. (PDF format)
The molecular rise of the lower critical temperature of a binary mixture of normal components Year: . Pages: 10. (PDF format)
On the Critical Quantities in the Case of Association, when the Molecular Attraction is Considerablv Increased on Dissociation of the Molecules to the Isolated Atoms, also in Connection with the Critical Quantities of Mercury. II Year: . Pages: 9. (PDF format)
On the Course of the Melting-Point Line of Helium at Very Low Temperatures Year: . Pages: 5. (PDF format)
Betrachtungen über die Zustandsgleichung von Gasen und Flüssigkeiten, mit Rücksicht auf die Veränderlichkeit von a und b mit T und v. (A. Wasserstoff) Year: . Pages: 12. (PDF format)
Die Gleichung der Schmelzkurve Year: . Pages: 12. (PDF format)