- Crystallographic and molecular symmetry of position isomeric benzene derivatives
Proceedings, volume 6 (1904), 406-408
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The photochemical transformation of Ferri-trichloro-acetate solutions
Proceedings, volume 14 (1911), 342-356
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On benzylphtalimide and benzylphtal-isoimide
Proceedings, volume 7 (1905), 77-82
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the preservation of the crystallographical symmetry in the substitution of position isomeric derivatives of the benzene series
Proceedings, volume 7 (1905), 191-200
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On miscibility in the solid aggregate condition and isomorphy with carbon compounds. (First communication)
Proceedings, volume 7 (1905), 658-666
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On Orthonitrobenzyltoluidine
Proceedings, volume 7 (1905), 666-668
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On position-isomeric dichloronitrobenzenes
Proceedings, volume 7 (1905), 668-673
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On some derivatives of Phenylcarbamic acid
Proceedings, volume 8 (1905), 127-136
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the six isomeric tribromoxylenes
Proceedings, volume 8 (1905), 153-155
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Blanksma, J.J. | - On Diphenylhydrazine, Hydrazobenzene and Benzylaniline, and on the miscibility of the last two with Azobenzene, Stilbene and Dibenzyl in the solid state
Proceedings, volume 8 (1905), 466-474
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Contribution to the knowledge of the isomorphous subsitution of the elements Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine in organic molecules
Proceedings, volume 8 (1906), 613-623
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - A simple geometrical deduction of the relations existing between known and unknown quantities, mentioned in the method of Voigt for determining the conductibility of heat in crystals
Proceedings, volume 8 (1906), 793-797
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the crystal-forms of the 2,4-Dinitroaniline-derivatives, substituted in the NH2 group
Proceedings, volume 9 (1906), 23-25
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On a new case of form-analogy and miscibility of postition-isomeric benzene-derivatives and on the crystalforms of the six Nitrodibromobenzenes
Proceedings, volume 9 (1906), 26-33
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the fatty esters of Cholesterol and Phytosterol, and on the anisotropous liquid phases of the Cholesterol-dervatives
Proceedings, volume 9 (1906), 78-88
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Researches on the thermic and electric conductivity power of crystallised conductors. I
Proceedings, volume 9 (1906), 89-98
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On a substance which possesses numerous different liquid phases of which three at least are stable in regard to the isotropous liquid
Proceedings, volume 9 (1906), 359-362
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On substances, which possess more than one stable liquid state, and on the phenomena obsecced in anisotropous liquids
Proceedings, volume 9 (1907), 472-483
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On irreversible phase-transitions in substances which may exhibit more than one liquid condition
Proceedings, volume 9 (1907), 483-492
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the anisotropous liquid phases of the butyric ester of dihydrocholesterol and on the question as to the necessary presence of an ethylene double bond for the occurrence of these phenomena
Proceedings, volume 9 (1907), 701-704
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the influence which irradiation exerts on the electrical conductivity of Antimonite from Japan
Proceedings, volume 9 (1907), 809-814
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the question as the miscibility and the formanalogy in aromatic Nitro-and Nitroso-compounds
Proceedings, volume 10 (1908), 436-440
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the Tri-para-Halogen-Substitution products of Triphenylmethane and thriphenylcarbinol
Proceedings, volume 10 (1908), 789-798
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Studies on Tellurium I. The mutual behaviour of the elements sulphur and tellurium
Proceedings, volume 12 (1910), 602-617
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - A remarkable case of isopolymorphismwith salts of the alkali-metals
Proceedings, volume 14 (1911), 356-369
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Contribution to the knowledge of the natural sulfoantimonites. I
Proceedings, volume 14 (1911), 555-555
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Contribution to the knowledge of the natural sulfoantimonites. II
Proceedings, volume 14 (1911), 555-555
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Klooster, H.S. van | - Studies on Tellurium. II. On compounds of Tellurium and Iodine
Proceedings, volume 14 (1912), 724-729
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Menke, J.B. | - On the Isomorphy of the Ethysulphates of the Metals of the Rare Earths and on the problem of eventual morphotropic relations of these salts with analogous salts of Scandium Indium and Berylium
Proceedings, volume 16 (1914), 1095-1105
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Röntgenpatterns of Boracite, obtained above and below its inversion-temperature
Proceedings, volume 16 (1914), 792-799
Authors: Haga, Herman | Jaeger, F.M. | - On temperature-measurements of anisotropous bodies by means of radiation-pyrometers
Proceedings, volume 16 (1914), 799-807
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Simek, A. | - Studies in the field of silicate chemistry: I. On compounds of lithiumoxide and silica
Proceedings, volume 16 (1914), 857-880
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Klooster, H.S. van | - Studies in the field of silicate-chemistry. II. On the lithium-aluminium silicates whose composition corresponds to that of the minerals eucryptite and spodumene
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 239-251
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Simek, A. | - Studies in the field of silicate-chemistry. III. On the lithium-aluminium silicates whose composition corresponds to that of the minerals eucryptite and spodumene
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 251-270
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Simek, A. | - The temperature-coefficients of the free surface-energy of liquids at temperatures from - 80º to 1650º C. I. Methods and apparatus
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 329-365
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The temperature-coefficients of the free surface-energy of liquids at temperatures from -80º to 1650º C. II. Measurements of some aliphatic derivatives
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 365-385
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Smit, M.J. | - The temperature-coefficients of the free surface-energy of liquids at temperatures from -80º to 1650º C. III. Measurements of some aromatic derivatives
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 386-394
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Smit, M.J. | - The temperature-coefficients of the free surface-energy of liquids at temperatures from -80º to 1650ºC.: IV. Measurements of some aliphatic and aromatic ethers
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 395-405
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - The temperature-coefficients of the free surface-energy of liquids at temperatures from -80º to 1650ºC. V. Measurements of homologous Aromatic Hydrocarbons and some of their Halogenderivatives
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 405-416
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The temperature-coefficients of the free surface-energy of liquids at temperatures from -80º to 1650ºC: VI. General Remarks
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 416-430
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the real symmetry of Cordierite and Apophyllite
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 430-445
Authors: Haga, Herman | Jaeger, F.M. | - Researches on the Temperature-coefficients of the free Surface-energy of Liquids between -80° to 1650° C. VII. The specific surface-energy of the molten Halogenides of the Alcali-metals
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 555-571
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Researches on the Temperature-coefficients of the free Surface-energy of Liquids at Temperatures between -80° and 1650°C. VIII. The specific Surface-energy of some Salts of the Alcali-metals
Proceedings, volume 17 (1914), 571-584
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On a new phenomenon accompanying the diffraction of Röntgenrays in Birefringent Crystals
Proceedings, volume 17 (1915), 1204-1217
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Researches on PASTEUR's Principle of the Connection between Molecular and Physical Dissymetry. I
Proceedings, volume 17 (1915), 1217-1236
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations on the Temperature-coefficients of the free molecular surface-energy of liquids at temperatures from -80ºC to 1650ºC. IX. The surface-energy of homologous Aliphatic Amines
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 1 (1916), 75-91
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - Investigations on the Temperature-Coefficients of the Free Molecular Surface-Energy of Liquids between -80º and 1650ºC. X. Measurements relating to a Series of Aliphatic Compounds
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 2 (1916), 269-285
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - Investigations on the Temperature-Coefficients of the Free Molecular Surface-Energy of Liquids between -80º and 1650ºC. XI. The Surface-Tension of homologous Triglycerides of the fatty Acids
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 2 (1916), 285-296
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - Investigations on the Temperature-Coefficients of the Free Molecular Surface-Energy of Liquids between -80º and 1650ºC. XII. The Surface-Energy of the Isotropous and Anisotropous Liquid Phases of some Aromatic Azoxy-Compounds and of Anisaldazine
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 2 (1916), 297-304
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - On the Symmetry of the Röntgen-patterns of Trigonal and Hexagonal Crystals, and on Normal and Abnormal Diffraction-Images of birefringent Crystals in general
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 3 (1916), 542-558
Authors: Haga, Herman | Jaeger, F.M. | - On the Symmetry of the Röntgen-patterns of Rhombic Crystals. I
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 3 (1916), 559-571
Authors: Haga, Herman | Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations on the Temperature-Coefficients of the Free Molecular Surface-Energy of Liquids from -80º to 1650ºC. XIII. The Surface-Energy of position-isomeric Benzene-Derivatives
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 4-5 (1916), 595-616
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - Investigations on the Temperature-Coëfficients of the Free Molecular Surface-Energy of Liquids from -80º to 1650ºC. XIV. Measurements of a Series of Aromatic and Heterocyclic Substances
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 4-5 (1916), 617-635
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - Investigations in the Field of Silicate-Chemistry. IV. Some data on the Meta- and Ortho-Silicates of the bivalent Metals: Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Zinc, Cadmium and Manganese
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 6 (1916), 896-913
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Klooster, H.S. van | - The Symmetry of the Röntgen-patterns of Monoclinic Crystals
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 7 (1916), 1201-1205
Authors: Haga, Herman | Jaeger, F.M. | - The Symmetry of the Röntgen-patterns of Tetragonal Crystals
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 8 (1916), 1350-1357
Authors: Haga, Herman | Jaeger, F.M. | - On Röntgen-patterns of Isomorphous Crystals
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 8 (1916), 1357-1364
Authors: Haga, Herman | Jaeger, F.M. | - On the Symmetry of the Röntgen-patterns of Triclinic and some Rhombic Crystals, and some Remarks on the Diffraction-Images of Quartz
Proceedings, volume 18, deel 9 (1916), 1552-1556
Authors: Haga, Herman | Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations on the Temperature-Coefficients of the Free Molecular Surface-Energy of Liquids between -80º and 1650ºC. XV. The Determination of the Specific Gravity of molten Salts and of the Temperature-Coefficient of their Molecular surface-energy
Proceedings, volume 19, deel 2 (1917), 381-397
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - Investigations on the Temperature-Coefficients of the Free Molecular Surface-Energy of Liquids between -80° and 1650° C. XVI. The surface-tension of some Halogenides of Sulphur, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuthum
Proceedings, volume 19, deel 2 (1917), 397-404
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - Investigations on the Temperature-Coefficients of the Free Molecular Surface-Energy of Liquids between -80° and 1650° C.: XVII. The relations between the Molecular Cohesion of Liquids at their Melting- and Boilingpoints, and their absolute Melting- and Boiling-temperatures respectively
Proceedings, volume 19, deel 2 (1917), 405-414
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations into Pasteur's Principle of the Connection between Molecular and Crystallonomical Dissymmetry: III. Racemic and Optically Active Complex Salts of Trivalent Rhodium
Proceedings, volume 20, deel 2 (1918), 244-262
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations into Pasteur's Principle of the Connection between Molecular and Crystallonomical Dissymmetry: IV. Racemic and Optically-active Complex Salts of Rhodium-tri-oxalic Acid
Proceedings, volume 20, deel 2 (1918), 263-279
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Two Crystallised, Isomeric d-Fructose-Penta-acetates
Proceedings, volume 20, deel 2 (1918), 280-282
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On Complex Salts of Ferri-Malonic-Acid
Proceedings, volume 20, deel 2 (1918), 283-291
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Mees, R.T.A. | - On some isomeric complex cis-and trans-Diethylenediamine-Salts of Cobaltum and on Tri-ethylenediamine-Zinc-Chloride
Proceedings, volume 20, deel 2 (1918), 292-303
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kahn, J. | - Investigations on Pasteur's Principle concerning the Relation between Molecular and Chrystallonomical Dissymetry: V. Optically active complex-salts of Iridium-Trioxalic Acid
Proceedings, volume 21, deel 1-2 (1919), 203-214
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations on Pasteur's Principle concerning the Relation between Molecular and Crystallonomical Dissymmetry: VI. On the Fission of Potassium -Rhodium-Malonate into its Optically-active Components
Proceedings, volume 21, deel 1-2 (1919), 215-224
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Thomas, W. | - Investigations on PASTEUR's Principle concerning the Relation between Molecular and Crystallonomical Dissemetry: VII. On optically active Salts of the Tri-ethylenediamine-Chromi-series
Proceedings, volume 21, deel 1-2 (1919), 225-230
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Thomas, W. | - Investigations on Pasteur's Principle concerning the Relation between Molecular and Crystallonomical Dissymmetry. VIII. On the spontaneous Fission of racemic Potassium-Cobalti Oxalate into its optically active Antipodes
Proceedings, volume 21, deel 5 (1919), 693-706
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Thomas, W. | - On the Symmetry of the Röntgenpatterns Obtained by means of Systems Composed of Crystalline Lamellae, and on the Structure of Pseudo-Symmetrical Crystals
Proceedings, volume 22, deel 9-10 (1920), 815-830
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On some Condensation-products of Aromatic Aldehydes and Amines
Proceedings, volume 23, nummer 1 (1921), 74-83
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The Photochernical Decomposition of Potassium-cobaltioxalate and its Catatysis by Neutral Salts
Proceedings, volume 23, nummer 1 (1921), 84-94
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Berger, G. | - Colloidal Sulphurcompounds of Ruthenium
Proceedings, volume 23, nummer 1 (1921), 95-102
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Boer, J.H. de | - Two Isomeric Chloro-Tetracetyl-d-Fructoses
Proceedings, volume 23, nummer 2-3 (1921), 342-346
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the Crystalforms of some Substituted Amides of Para-Toluenesulphonic Acid
Proceedings, volume 23, nummer 2-3 (1921), 347-362
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Some Remarks concerning tbe RÖNTGENograms obtained by means of Mica-Piles composed by crossed Lamellae
Proceedings, volume 23, nummer 5 (1921), 676-678
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The Mass-Ratio of Isotopes in Chemical Elements
Proceedings, volume 27, nummer 5-6 (1924) 393-406
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijkstra, D.W. | - On the Pseudo-symmetry of Racemic Potassium-Chloro-sulfoacetate
Proceedings, volume 28, nummer 4 (1925) 423-425
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On the Crystalstructure of Germanium-tetraiodide
Proceedings, volume 28, nummer 8-9 (1925) 747-766
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Westenbrink, H.G.K. | Terpstra, P. | - On the Crystalforms of some position-isomeric Dinitrotoluenes
Proceedings, volume 29, nummer 1 (1926) 54-58
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On Complex Cobaltic Salts with nine-valent Ions
Proceedings, volume 29, nummer 1 (1926) 59-83
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Koets, P. | - On Crystalforms of Derivatives of Ethoxy- and Trimethyl-Benzophenone
Proceedings, volume 29, nummer 3 (1926) 410-416
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The Crystalforms of Some Organic Nitrogen-compounds
Proceedings, volume 29, nummer 3 (1926) 417-430
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - On racemic and optically-active ot-Phenanthroline-diethylenediamine Cobaltic-Salts and on the Reaction between Mono- or Diamines and Diethylenediamine-dichloro- or -chloro-aquo-Salts
Proceedings, volume 29, nummer 4 (1926) 559-579
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The Cristalstructure of Gallium
Proceedings, volume 29, nummer 9 (1926) 1193-1217
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Westenbrink, H.G.K. | Terpstra, P. | - Some Remarks on the Crystalform of Boron-nitride and on the eventual Ambiguity in the Analysis of Powder-spectrograms
Proceedings, volume 29, nummer 9 (1926) 1218-1222
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Westenbrink, H.G.K. | - Roentgenspectrographic Investigations on the Structure of the Artificial Ultramarines and the Problem concerning their Relations to the Minerals Hauyne, Nosean, Sodalite, Lazurite and Nephelite
Proceedings, volume 30, nummer 2 (1927) 249-267
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Westenbrink, H.G.K. | Melle, F.A. van | - Investigations into the Constitution of Artificial Ultramarines. II. On Ultramarine-blue with high Silica-content and on Silver-, Silversodium-, Selenium- and Silverselenium-Ultramarines
Proceedings, volume 30, nummer 4 (1927) 479-498
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Melle, F.A. van | - Investigations into the Structure of the Artificial Ultramarines. III. On Silver- and Alcali-silver-Ultramarines which are Derivatives of GUIMET's Ultramarine-blue with high Silica-content, and on Mixed Alcali-Ultramarines and norm. Butyl-silver-Ultramarine
Proceedings, volume 30, nummer 8 (1927) 885-904
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Melle, F.A. van | - On the Exact Determination of the Specific Heat of Solid Substances between 0° and 1625° C. I. Method and Apparatus
Proceedings, volume 30, nummer 8 (1927) 905-920
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On the Accurate Measurement of the Specific Heat of Solid Substances between 0° and 1625° C. II. The Specific Heat of Platinum and Tungsten
Proceedings, volume 30, nummer 9-10 (1927) 1069-1088
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On the spatial Arrangement and Rotatory Dispersion of optically active Complex Salts of Cobalt and Rhodium
Proceedings, volume 31, nummer 6 (1928) 637-650
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Blumendal, H.B. | - On the Symmetry and Structure of the cubic Nitrates of Calcium, Strontium, Barium and Lead
Proceedings, volume 31, nummer 6 (1928) 651-655
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Melle, F.A. van | - Investigations about the Structure ot Artificial Ultramarines. IV. On Ultramarines of Thallium and on the Analogous Derivatives of the Bivalent Metals Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Zinc, Manganese, and Lead
Proceedings, volume 32, nummer 2 (1929) 156-166
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations about the Structure of the Artificial Ultramarines. V. On Absorption-phenomena with Ultramarine and on the Structure of Nosean, Hauyne and the Ultramarines
Proceedings, volume 32, nummer 2 (1929) 167-181
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Melle, F.A. van | - The Dimorphism of Gallium-Acetylacetonate
Proceedings, volume 33, nummer 3 (1930), 280-283
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at High Temperatures. III. The Specific Heats of Palladium and of Tungsten
Proceedings, volume 33, nummer 5 (1930), 457-472
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On the Allotropism of Rhodium and on Some Phenomena observed in the X-ray-Analysis of heated Metal- Wires
Proceedings, volume 34, deel 1 (1931), 15-32
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Zanstra, J.E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heat of Osmium and Rhodium between 0° and 1625°
Proceedings, volume 34, deel 1 (1931), 85-99
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The crystalstructure of nitrogen-tetrasulphide and tetra-hydro-nitrogentetrasulphide
Proceedings, volume 34, deel 6 (1931), 782-807
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Zanstra, J.E. | - The Exact Measurument of the Specific Heats of Indium and Ruthenium between 0° and 1600° C. and a Comparison of the Calorimetrical Results obtained with the Elements of the Eighth Group of the Periodical System
Proceedings, volume 34, deel 6 (1931), 808-822
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at High Temperatures, V. On the Cooling Correction of the Metal Calorimeter in Exact High Temperature Calorimetry
Proceedings, volume 35, deel 3 (1932), 347-352
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances between 0° and 1625° C. VI. On the Law of NEUMANN-JOULE-KOPP-REGNAULT concerning the Molecular Heat of Chemical Compounds in Function of the Atomic Heats
Proceedings, volume 35, deel 3 (1932), 352-362
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | - The Structure of Potassium-Osmiamate
Proceedings, volume 35, deel 5 (1932), 610-624
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Zanstra, J.E. | - The Structure of Tetra- and Tri-Phosphonitrile-Chloride
Proceedings, volume 35, nummer 6 (1932), 756-762
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Beintema, J. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of solid Substances at High Temperatures: VI. Metals in Stabilized and Non-stabilized Condition: Platinum and Silver
Proceedings, volume 35, nummer 6 (1932), 763-771
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of solid Substances at High Temperatures: VII. Metals in Stabilized and Non-stabilized Condition: Copper and Gold
Proceedings, volume 35, nummer 6 (1932), 772-779
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Structure of Cesium-Osmiamate
Proceedings, volume 35, nummer 6 (1932), 779-786
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Zanstra, J.E. | - The Structure of the Ammonium-, Rubidium- and Thallium-Osmiamates
Proceedings, volume 35, nummer 6 (1932), 787-798
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Zanstra, J.E. | - On the Law of Additive Atomic Heats in Intermetallic Compounds. IX. The Compounds of Tin and Gold, and of Gold and Antimony
Proceedings, volume 35, nummer 7 (1932), 916-928
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | - On the Law of AddItive Atomic Heats in the Case of Intermetallic Mixed Crystals. X. Silver and Gold
Proceedings, volume 35, nummer 7 (1932), 929-931
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at High Temperatures. XI. On the Remarkable Behaviour of Beryllium after preliminary Heating above 420°
Proceedings, volume 35, nummer 8 (1932), 1055-1061
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of Specific Heats at Higher Temperatures. XI. On the Variability of the Specific Heats of Fused and Solidified Silver under different Circumstances
Proceedings, volume 36, deel 3 (1933), 291-298
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | Veenstra, W.A. | - The Crystalstructure of Cesium-, Thallium- and Rubidium-Perrhenates
Proceedings, volume 36, deel 5 (1933), 523-528
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Beintema, J. | - The Allotropism of Beryllium
Proceedings, volume 36, nummer 6 (1933), 636-644
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Zanstra, J.E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Metals at Higher Temperatures. XII. The Specific Heat of metallic Rhenium
Proceedings, volume 36, nummer 8 (1933), 786-788
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On Complex Salts with α-α'-Dipyridyl: Complex Salts of bivalent Nickel
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 1 (1934), 10-15
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at Higher Temperatures. XIII. The Specific Heats of Vanadium, Niobium. Tantalum and Molybdenum from 0° to 1500° C.
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 2 (1934), 61-66
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Veenstra, W.A. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at Higher Temperatures. XIV. The Specific Heats and Thermal Retardation-Phenomena of Beryllium
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 2 (1934), 67-76
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Metals at High Temperatures. XV. A Redetermination of the Specific Heats of Palladium
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 5 (1934), 280-283
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Veenstra, W.A. | - On Complex Salts of Trivalent Rhodium with α-α'-Dipyridyl
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 5 (1934), 284-290
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at Higher Temperatures. XVI. The Specific Heats of metallic Thorium and of Thoriumdioxide between 20° and 1400° C
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 6 (1934), 327-332
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Veenstra, W.A. | - On the Complex Salts of α-α'-Dipyridyl with Bivalent Iron
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 6 (1934), 333-336
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - Complex Salts of α-α'-Dipyridyl with Bivalent Copper
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 7 (1934), 395-400
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Metals at High Temperatures: XVII. Calorimetrical Retardation-phenomena in the Case of Cerium and Chromium
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 8 (1934), 489-497
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On Complex Salts of α-α'-Dipyridyl with Bivalent Copper. II
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 9 (1934), 618-623
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - Complex Salts of α-α'-Dipyridyl with Zinc and Cadmium
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 10 (1934), 753-760
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - On Complex Salts with α-α'-Dipyridyl: Complex Salts with Zinc and Cadmium. II
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 3 (1935), 235-242
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - On the Symmetry and the Structure of the Crystals of the Hydrochlorides of Triamino-triethylamine
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 3 (1935), 243-248
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Beintema, J. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at Higher Temperatures. XVIII. On the Use of Dewar Vacuum vessels in the Metal block Calorimeter for the Control of the Cooling-rate
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 5 (1935), 502-509
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Fonteyne, R. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at Higher Temperatures. XIX. The Specific Heats of Zinc, Magnesium and their Binary AHoy: MgZn2
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 5 (1935), 510-520
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Poppema, T.J. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at Higher Temperatures. XX. On the Molecular Heats of the Alloys of Palladium and Antimony in Comparison with the Sum of the Atomic Heats of the Free Elements
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 8 (1935), 822-833
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Poppema, T.J. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at Higher Temperatures. XXI. On the Molecular Heats of the Compound PtSb2 in Comparison with the Sum of the Atomic Heats of the free composing Elements
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 8 (1935), 833-836
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Poppema, T.J. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Substances at Higher Temperatures. XXII. The Molecular Heats of the supposed Binary Compounds of Copper and Palladium
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 8 (1935), 836-841
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Poppema, T.J. | - On Some Complex Dipyridyl-Salts of Nickel and Copper
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 9 (1935), 972-977
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - On Complex Salts of Dipyridyl with Bivalent and Trivalent Cobaltum
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 2 (1936), 164-175
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - On the Localization of the Transition-points of Allotropic Metals under varied Circumstances by Means of the Method of SALADlN-LE CHATELIER
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 3 (1936), 366-374
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - Measurement of the Electrical Resistance of Metals as Function of the Temperature by means of a Twin Galvanometer with Photographic Recording
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 3 (1936), 374-383
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On the Preparation and Properties of Some OrthoDiamino-Cyclohexanes
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 3 (1936), 384-393
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Metals at High Temperatures. XXIII. The Calorimetrical, Electrical and Thermoelectrical Behaviour of Ductile Titanium. I
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 4 (1936), 442-452
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Fonteyne, R. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Metals at High Temperatures. XXIII. The Calorimetrical, Electrical and Thermoelectrical Behaviour of Ductile Titanium. II
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 4 (1936), 453-461
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Fonteyne, R. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Metals at High Temperatures. XXIII. The Calorimetrical, Electrical and Thermoelectrical Behaviour of Ductile Titanium. III
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 4 (1936), 462-469
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Fonteyne, R. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Determination of the Thermoelectrical Force of Metals in a Vacuum by means of the Photographically recording Double Galvanometer
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 4 (1936), 469-477
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Metals at High Temperatures. XXVI. The Specific Heats and the Electrical Resistance of Cerium
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 8 (1936), 912-920
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | Rosenbohm, E. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Metals at High Temperatures. XXVII. The Specific Heats and the Electrical Resistance of Lanthanum
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 8 (1936), 921-927
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On the Relative and Absolute Spatial Configuration of Isomorphous, Optically-active Complex Salts of Trivalent Cobaltum and Rhodium: I. Comparison of the Triethylenediamine- and Tryclohexanediamine-Salts
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 1 (1937), 2-11
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations of Complex Salts of racemic and optically-active Cyclohexane-1-2-diamines with Trivalent Cobaltum and Rhodium. I. On trans-Cyclohexane-1-2-diamine and its Fission into optically-active Antipodes
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 1 (1937), 12-23
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bijkerk, L. | - On the Relative and Absolute Spatial Configuration of Isomorphous, Optically active Complex Salts. II. Comparison of the Tri-diamino-Salts of Cobaltum, Rhodium and Chromium
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 2 (1937), 108-116
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - Investigations on the Complex Salts of the Racemic and Optically active Cyclohexanediamines with trivalent Cobaltum and Rhodium. II. The Complex Tricyclohexanediamine-Rhodium-salts
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 2 (1937), 116-123
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bijkerk, L. | - Investigations on the Complex Salts of the Racemic and Optically active Cyclohexanediamines with trivalent Cobaltum and Rhodium. III. Tri-Cyclohexanediamine Salts of trivalent Cobaltum
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 3 (1937), 246-258
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bijkerk, L. | - Investigations on the Complex Salts of the Racemic and Optically-active Cyclohexanediamines with trivalent Cobaltum and Rhodium. IV. On the Crystallographic Properties of the Optically-active Tri-CyclohexanediamineCobaltic Salts and on Ethylenediamine-Cyclohexanediamine-Cobaltic Salts of this Series
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 4 (1937), 316-325
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bijkerk, L. | - On the Possibility of Distinguishing Right- and Lefthanded Structures in Crystals by means of their LAUE-Patterns
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 5 (1937), 406-410
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Berg, J. ter | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Metals at High Temperatures. XXVIII. The Heat-Capacity and the Electrical Resistance of Didymium between 300° and 600° C.
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 6 (1937), 481-489
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On Pterotactic Derivatives of Bivalent Platinum with Optically-active, Cyclic trans-1-2-Diamines
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 6 (1937), 490-498
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Berg, J. ter | - Optical Rotation and Rotatory Dispersion in Solution and in the Crystalline State
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 7 (1937), 574-579
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Berg, J. ter | Terpstra, P. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heats of Solid Metals at High Temperatures. XXIX. Specific Heats. Electrical Resistance, Thermoelectrical Behaviour and Thermal Expansion of Neodynium in Connection with its Allotropic Changes
Proceedings, volume 41, deel 2 (1938), 120-138
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Bottema, J.A. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On reversible phase-transitions in solid refractory metals
Proceedings, volume 43, deel 7 (1940), 762-769
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | - The Exact Measurement of the Specific Heat of Metals at High Temperatures. XXXI. The Mean Specific Heat of Cobaltum in Connection with the Granular Size of its Crystalline Structure
Proceedings, volume 43, deel 7 (1940), 815-819
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Zuithoff, A.J. | - On the Preparation of ß-Phenyl-isopropylamine (Benzedrine), of the isomeric α-Phenyl-propylamine and of ß-Phenyl-a-propylenediamine and on the Resolution of these Bases into their Optically-active Antipodes. I
Proceedings, volume 44, deel 1 (1941), 26-40
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Dijk, J.A. van | - On the Resolution of α-Phenylpropylamine into its Optically-active Antipodes (2nd Part)
Proceedings, volume 44, deel 2 (1941), 140-143
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Froentjes, W. | - The Temperature-Coefficient of the Electrical Resistance of Ruthenium and its Thermo-electrical Behaviour with respect to Platinum
Proceedings, volume 44, deel 2 (1941), 144-152
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Rosenbohm, E. | - On the Resolution of ß-Phenyl-α-Propylene-diamine into its Optically-active Components. (3th Part)
Proceedings, volume 44, deel 4 (1941), 354-360
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Froentjes, W. | - The question as to the miscibility in the solid condition between aromatic nitro- and nitroso-compounds. III
Proceedings, volume 14 (1912), 729-740
Authors: Jaeger, F.M. | Kregten, J.R.N. van |