- The unity in the chemistry of the fermentative sugar dissimilation processes of microbes
Proceedings, volume 28, nummer 3 (1925) 297-313
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Donker, H.J.L. | - The formation of acetylmethylcarbinol and 2:3 butylene glycol in the fermentation of sugars by alcohol yeasts and true lactic acid bacteria
Proceedings, volume 28, nummer 3 (1925) 314-317
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Donker, H.J.L. | - The catalytic transference of hydrogen as the basis of the chemistry of dissimilation processes
Proceedings, volume 28, nummer 6 (1925) 605-618
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Donker, H.J.L. | - The function of phosphates in the dissimilation of the hexoses
Proceedings, volume 29, nummer 3 (1926) 322-333
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Struyk, A.P. | - The so-called co-enzyme of alcoholic fermentation
Proceedings, volume 30, nummer 5 (1927) 569-575
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Struyk, A.P. | - The first phases of the chemistry of the dissimilation of the hexoses
Proceedings, volume 30, nummer 8 (1927) 871-884
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Struyk, A.P. | - The first phases of the chemistry of the dissimilation of the hexoses (2nd Part)
Proceedings, volume 31, nummer 8 (1928) 882-893
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Struyk, A.P. | - On some physiological artefacts
Proceedings, volume 35, deel 3 (1932), 370-378
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Baars, J.K. | - On the influence of mono iodo acetic acid on the respiration and the fermentation of yeasts
Proceedings, volume 36, nummer 6 (1933), 596-605
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Hoogerheide, J.C. | - On the presumed suitability of maltose as a respiration substrate for non-maltme fermenting yeasts
Proceedings, volume 36, nummer 6 (1933), 605-609
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Hoogerheide, J.C. | - Rapport van de heeren A. J. KLUYVER. G. VAN ITERSON Jr. en F. A. F. C. WENT over de ter uitgave in de werken der Akademie aangeboden verhandeling van mej. J. LODDER: Die Hefesammlung des "Centraalbureau voor schimmelcultures", Beiträge zu einer Monographie der Hefearten. II. Teil. Die anaskosporogenen Hefen. (1ste Hälfte)
Proceedings, volume 37, deel 7 (1934), 365-366
Authors: Iterson, G. van | Kluyver, Albert Jan | Went, Friedrich August Ferdinand Christian | - Some remarks on the reduction intensity of living cells
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 3 (1936), 298-305
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Hoogerheide, J.C. | - On the production of acetylmethylcarbinol by Bacterium coli
Proceedings, volume 42, deel 2 (1939), 118-124
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Molt, E.L. | - The effect of radiation on light emission by luminous bacteria. I
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 9 (1942), 886-894
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Burg, A. van der | Kerk, G.J.M. van der | - The effect of radiation on light emission by luminous bacteria. II
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 10 (1942), 962-967
Authors: Kluyver, Albert Jan | Burg, A. van der | Kerk, G.J.M. van der |