- Coacervation. (Partial miscibility in colloid systems). (Preliminary Communication)
Proceedings, volume 32, nummer 7 (1929) 849-856
Authors: Kruyt, Hugo Rudolph | Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Coacervate sols and their relation to the theory of lyophilic colloidal stability
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 4 (1935), 419-426
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Linde, P. van der | - Oriented coacervates and their bearing upon the formation of colloid-crystals
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 4 (1935), 426-434
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Extension of the theory of complex coacervation to ionical disperse systems
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 7 (1935), 714-721
Authors: Kruyt, Hugo Rudolph | Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Phosphatide Auto-complex coacervates as Ionic Systems and their Relation to the Protoplasmic Membrane
Proceedings, volume 38, deel 7 (1935), 797-806
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Bonner, J. | - Examples of stable unmixing in binary systems: Salt + Water
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 1 (1937), 69-71
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Holleman, L.W.J. | - Models for the stimulation of the organ of smell
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 3 (1937), 302-306
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Saubert, G.G.P. | - Behaviour of Microscopic Bodies consisting of Biocolloid Systems and suspended in an Aequeous Medium. I. Pulsating Vacuoles in Coacervate Drops
Proceedings, volume 41, deel 6 (1938), 643-645
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Behaviour of Microscopic Bodies consisting of Biocolloid Systems and suspended in an Aequeous Medium. II. Formation of double-refractive "Membranes" on Gelatin Gel Globules by Tannin
Proceedings, volume 41, deel 6 (1938), 646-650
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Complex systems of biocolloids. I. Survey and classification according to colloid-chemical and electrochemical points of view
Proceedings, volume 41, deel 7 (1938), 776-787
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Complex systems of biocolloids. II. Specific factors of importance to the intensity of the complex relations, their significance in particular with regard to the formation of the tricomplex systems
Proceedings, volume 41, deel 7 (1938), 788-799
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Behaviour of microscopic bodies consisting of biocolloid systems and suspended in an aequeous medium. III. Coacervation phenomena in droplets of biocolloid sols enclosed in a collodion film. Accumulation of basic dyes.
Proceedings, volume 42, deel 1 (1939), 83-88
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Bank, O. | - Behaviour of microscopic bodies consisting of biocolloid systems and suspended in an aqueous medium. IV. Vacuolation phenomena of complex coacervate drops at a constant temperature. Formation of foam structures and of thin-walled drops with a large central vacuole
Proceedings, volume 42, deel 3 (1939), 274-284
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Bank, O. | - Behaviour of microscopic bodies consisting of biocolloid systems and suspended in an aqueous medium. V. Gelatinized hollow spheres. Temporary invagination to gastrula-like bodies by mechanical or osmotic removal of water from the central cavity
Proceedings, volume 42, deel 3 (1939), 285-288
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Bank, O. | - Tissues of prismatic cells containing Biocolloids. I
Proceedings, volume 43, deel 4 (1940), 512-521
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Kok, B. | Kreger, D.R. | - Tissues of prismatic celloidin cells containing Biocolloids. II. Coacervation of Gum-Arabic by Toluidin-blue and the phenomena accompanying the dissolution of the coacervate
Proceedings, volume 43, deel 6 (1940), 728-731
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Kok, B. | - Tissues of prismatic celloidin cells containing Biocolloids. III. a. Behaviour of an embedded complex-coacervate in the electric field. b. Polarisation phenomena
Proceedings, volume 43, deel 6 (1940), 732-740
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Kreger, D.R. | - Motory phenomena in coacervate drops in a diffusion field and in the electric field
Proceedings, volume 44, deel 9 (1941), 1099-1103
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Hoskam, E.G. | - Tissues of prismatic cells containing Biocolloids. IV. Morphological changes of the complex coacervate gelatine + gum arabic in consequence of a pH change of the medium flowing along the membrane
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 1 (1942), 51-58
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Kok, B. | - Effect of neutral salts on the composition of complex coacervate (gelatine + gum arabic) and equilibrium liquid at constant pH and constant mixing proportion of the two colloids in the total system
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 1 (1942), 59-66
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Hoskam, E.G. | - Tissues of prismatic cells containing Biocolloids. VI. Location of coexisting coacervates and equilibrium liquid in the cells. Morphological model of the plant cell
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 1 (1942), 76-81
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Behaviour of microscopic bodies consisting of biocolloid systems and suspended in an aequeous medium. VI. Composition of degenerated hollow-spheres, formed from complex coacervate drops (gelatine-gum arabic)
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 2 (1942), 200-203
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Hoskam, E.G. | - Tissues of celloidin cells containg Biocolloids. VII. Stagnation effects
Proceedings, volume 45, deel (1942), 204-205
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Kok, B. | - Coexisting complex coacervates
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 4 (1942), 387-392
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Hoskam, E.G. | - Specific influence of cations on the water percentage of phosphatide coacervates
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 4 (1942), 401-406
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Saubert, G.G.P. | - Factors determining the way in which neutral salts will affect the volume of the complex coacervate gelatine + gum arabic
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 5 (1942), 490-497
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Meer, C. van der | - Behaviour of microscopic bodies consisting of biocolloid systems and suspended in an aqueous medium. VIII. Formation and properties of hollow spheres from coacervate drops containing nucleic acid
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 5 (1942), 498-505
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Meer, C. van der | - Complexcoacervation in the presence of buffers and of non-electrolytes, preventing gelatination
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 6 (1942), 585-592
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Hoskam, E.G. | - On flocculation and reversal of charge of negative biocolloids through alkaloid salts and basic stains. III
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 6 (1942), 593-600
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Meer, C. van der | - Some instances of tricomplex flocculation. I. Soybean phosphatide + carraghene + crystalloid cation
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 7 (1942), 697-704
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Rering, C.H. | - Some instances of tricomplex flocculation. II. The flocculation of egglecithin and carraghene sols with crystalloid cations
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 7 (1942), 705-712
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Rering, C.H. | - Some instances of tricomplex flocculation. III. The flocculation of gelatine + carraghene with alkali and earth alkali cations
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 7 (1942), 713-717
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Rering, C.H. | - Tissues of prismatic celloidin cells containing biocolloids. VIII. Gelation of the parietal gelatine-gum arabic complex-coacervate and behaviour of the objects obtained with regard to neutral red at various pH's
Proceedings, volume 50, deel 5 (1947), 436-441
Authors: Bakhuizen van den Brink, Reinier Cornelis | Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Distribution of the complexcomponent which is present in excess, between Complexcoarcervate and Equilibrium liquid
Proceedings, volume 50, deel 7 (1947), 707-711
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - The interfacial tension of gum arabic-gelatine complex-coacervates and their equilibrium liquids
Proceedings, volume 50, deel 8 (1947), 836-848
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Ruiter, L. de | - Oleate systems containing potassium chloride in which the KCl concentration is still too low for coacervation. I. The viscosity-KCl curve
Proceedings, volume 50, deel 8 (1947), 849-857
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Alphen, G.W.H.M. van | - Oleate systems containing potassium chloride in which the KCl concentration is still too low for coacervation. II. Influence of polar organic non-electrolytes
Proceedings, volume 50, deel 9 (1947), 1011-1018
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Alphen, G.W.H.M. van | - Contribution to the explanation of motory and desintegration phenomena in complex coacervate drops in the electric field
Proceedings, volume 50, deel 9 (1947), 1189-1200
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Ruiter, L. de | - Oleate systems containing potassium chloride in which the KCl concentration is still too low for coacervation. III. Influence of KCI and alcohols on the elastic behaviour
Proceedings, volume 50, deel 10 (1947), 1227-1234
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Alphen, G.W.H.M. van | - Tissues of prismatic celloidin cells containing biocolloids. IX. Experimental factors favourable for the integrity of the cell walls. Correlation of this integrity with the morphology of the films, cellgroups and cells
Proceedings, volume 51, deel 1 (1948), 3-15
Authors: Bakhuizen van den Brink, Reinier Cornelis | Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Changes in diameter of gelated coacervate drops of the complexcoacervate Gelatin-Gum arabic, resulting from a change in the pH, or from neutral salts added to the surrounding medium. II
Proceedings, volume 51, deel 2 (1948), 137-144
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Landsmeer, J.M.F. | - Changes in diameter of gelated coacervate drops of the complexcoacervate Gelatin-Gum arabic, resulting from a change in the pH, or from neutral salts added to the surrounding medium. III
Proceedings, volume 51, deel 3 (1948), 295-301
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Landsmeer, J.M.F. | - Elastic-viscous oleate systems containing KCl. I. Measurements of the elastic properties. Dependence of period and damping on the temperature
Proceedings, volume 51, deel 10 (1948), 1197-1210
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | - Elastic-viscous oleate systems containing KCl. II. a) Period and logarithmic decrement as function of the radius of the sphere for a system containing 1,2% oleate, in 1,52 N KCl + +0.08 N KOH at 15° and 23° C; b) Shear modulus and relaxation time as function of the temperature
Proceedings, volume 52, deel 1 (1949), 15-27
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | - Elastic-viscous oleate systems containing KCI. III. The elastic properties as a function of the concentration of the oleate at 15° C and constant KCl concentration
Proceedings, volume 52, deel 2 (1949), 99-112
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | - Elastic-viscous oleate systems containing KCI. III. The elastic properties aElastic-viscous oleate systems containing KCI. IV. The flow properties as function of the shearing stress at 15° and constant KCl concentrations a function of the concentration of the oleate at 15° C and constant KCl concentration
Proceedings, volume 52, deel 4 (1949), 363-376
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCI. V. Viscous and elastic behaviour compared
Proceedings, volume 52, deel 4 (1949), 377-388
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | Heer, L.J. de | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCI. VI. a) The elastic properties as a function of the KCl concentration. b) Influence of some alcohols and fatty acid anions on the elastic behaviour
Proceedings, volume 52, deel 5 (1949), 465-478
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | Vreugdenhil, D. | - Soap coacervates with special properties, hitherto only known in coacervates of phosphatides. I Oleate coacervates at a pH above 12. I
Proceedings, volume 52, deel 8 (1949), 783-793
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Heer, L.J. de | - Soap coacervates with special properties, hitherto only known in coacervates of phosphatides. I Oleate coacervates at a pH above 12. II
Proceedings, volume 52, deel 8 (1949), 794-800
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Heer, L.J. de | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCl. VII
Proceedings, volume 53, deel 1 (1950), 7-18
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCl. VIII
Proceedings, volume 53, deel 2 (1950), 109-121
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCl. IX
Proceedings, volume 53, deel 3 (1950), 233-246
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Berg, H.J. van den | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCl. X
Proceedings, volume 53, deel 6 (1950), 743-758
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Loeven, W.A. | Weijzen, W.W.H. | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCl. XI
Proceedings, volume 53, deel 6 (1950), 759-774
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Loeven, W.A. | Weijzen, W.W.H. | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCl. XII
Proceedings, volume 53, deel 7 (1950), 975-988
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Loeven, W.A. | Verhagen, H.J. | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCl. XIII
Proceedings, volume 53, deel 8 (1950), 1122-1135
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Loeven, W.A. | Weijzen, W.W.H. | - Elastic viscous oleate systems containing KCl. XIV
Proceedings, volume 53, deel 9 (1950), 1319-1336
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Loeven, W.A. | Weijzen, W.W.H. | - Behaviour of microscopic bodies consisting of biocolloid systems and suspended in an aequeous medium. VI. Auxiliary apparatus for studying the morphological changes of coacervate drops. B. Preparation and behaviour of composite drops consisting of coexisting complex coacervates
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 4 (1942), 393-400
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | - Tissues of prismatic cells containing Biocolloids. V. Morphological changes of the complex coacervate gelatine-gum arabic owing to the addition of salts resp. non-electrolytes to the liquid flowing past the membrane
Proceedings, volume 45, deel 1 (1942), 67-75
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Kok, B. | - Further examples of unmixing in aqueous salt solutions
Proceedings, volume 39, deel 9 (1936), 1103-1106
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Zijp, L. van, sp/o Teunissen | - Phosphatide auto-complex coacervates as ionic systems and their relation to the protoplasmic membrane. II
Proceedings, volume 40, deel 3 (1937), 295-301
Authors: Bungenberg de Jong, H.G. | Saubert, G.G.P. |