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Pieter Visbagh (1634 - 1722)

Field(s) of interest: Horology | scientific instruments
Gender: male

Born: Den Haag, ~1634
Died: Den Haag, 1722

Watch and clockmaker in The Hague. In 1646 he started a six year during apprenticeship at Salomon Coster. Then he moved to Middelburg, where he established a clockmaker shop around 1652. In 1660, a year after Coster's death, Visbagh took over the shop from Coster's widow in The Hague. He continued the contract with Costers apprentice Christiaan Reijnaert. Visbagh first rented the house of Coster at the corner of the Wagenstraat and Veerkade and bought it eleven years later. For the next 25 years Visbagh became one of the most important clockmakers of the Netherlands. In 1688 Visbagh became the first master of the Clockmakers' guild in the Hague. He repaired clocks for and worked with Christiaan Huygens (ca. 1690). Probably Visbagh retired well before 1722.

Watch and clockmaker: ~1688 - <1722 (Den Haag)

Watch and clockmaker: 1652 - 1660 (Middelburg)

Rooseboom, M., Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden (Leiden 1950).

Morpurgo, E., Nederlandse klokken- en horlogemakers vanaf 1300 (Amsterdam 1970).

Huygens, Chr. Oeuvres Complètes.