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François Hemony (1606 - 1667)

Field(s) of interest: scientific instruments
Gender: male

Born: Levécourt, 1606
Died: Amsterdam, 1667

Instrument maker from France. He moved to Zutphen, the Netherlands, in 1642. Hemony would live in Zutphen for thirteen years together with his brother Pierre and during this period he made at least three mortar and pestles, which are dated 1651-1655. On December 10, 1655 he was appointed as the caster of the city's clocks and artillery. Hemony resided on Molenpad and stayed there until his death in 1667. The mortar and pestels casted in Amsterdam were all made in 1661. After Hemony's death, his brother took over the casting company.

Collection: Museum Boerhaave Leiden; Gemeente Museum Arnhem; Kasteel Duivenvoorden; Kasteel Sijpesteijn; Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam; Musée de Mariemont Morlanwelz, Belgium.

instrument maker: ~1656 - <1667 (Amsterdam)

Wittop Koning, D.A. 'De vijzels van de gebroeders Hemony', in: Bulletin Museum Boymans-van Beuningen (1969).

Lehr (e.a.), A. Klokken en klokkengieters: bijdragen tot de campanologie; historische opstellen (Asten 1959).

Morpurgo, E. Nederlandse klokken- en horlogemakers vanaf 1300 (Amsterdam 1970).

Salm, L. 'De Vijzels van François en Pierre Hemony ', in: Oud Holland 35 (1917).

Wittop Koning, D.A. Nederlandse vijzels (1953 en 1989).