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Gerard van Keulen (1678 - 1726)

Field(s) of interest: Navigating instruments | cartography
Gender: male

Born: Amsterdam, 1678
Died: Amsterdam, 1726

Gerard van Keulen was a chart maker, publisher and cross-staff maker in the Nieuwebrugsteeg in Amsterdam, from 1704-1726. He became a poorter (citizen) and was admitted to the book sellers guild in 1704, and that year took over the family firm 'In de Gekroonde Lootsman' from his father Johannes van Keulen (1). After Gerard's death, in 1726, his son Johannes van Keulen (2) succeeded him in the firm. A cross-staff by him dated 1724 is preserved.

Collection: Universiteitsmuseum, Utrecht.

Instrument maker, publisher and cartographer: 1704 - 1726 (Amsterdam)

Kuile, S. ter and W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns, Amsterdamse kompasmakers ca.1580-ca.1850. (Amsterdam 1999).

Mörzer Bruyns, W.F.J. The cross-staff: history and development of a navigational instrument. (Amsterdam/Zutphen 1994).

Keulen, E.O. van, W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns et al, 'In de Gekroonde Lootsman': het kaarten-, boekuitgevers en instrumentenmakershuis Van Keulen te Amsterdam 1680-1885. (Utrecht 1989).

Vries, Dirk de et al, The Van Keulen Cartography 1680-1885. (Alphen a/d Rijn, 2005).