[Call for Papers]: 13rd International Conference on History of Chemistry (Vilnius, 23-27 May, 2023; Deadline 1 December 2022)

Since 1991, when the first meeting was organized in Veszprem (Hungary), the Working Party on History of Chemistry (WPHC) of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) organizes an international conference on the history of chemistry in order to bring together historically interested chemists, chemistry educators and historians of chemistry from all over Europe and beyond. Thirty-two years later, the 13rd International Conference on History of Chemistry (13ICHC) will be held in Vilnius (Lithuania), from Tuesday 23 May to Friday 26 May 2023. On Saturday 27 May there is a day excursion outside Vilnius. Lees meer…

[Call for Papers] Does Science need Heroes? (Nobel) Prize cultures in the Netherlands (Leiden, 29-30 September 2023; Deadline 15 July 2022)

The history of the Nobel Prize, the most prestigious and visible science award in the world, is since the very beginning in 1901 intertwined with Dutch science history. Counting more than twenty Dutch laureates to date, among others Einthoven, van ’t Hoff, and Tinbergen, the Netherlands rank among the top ten nations in the statistics of Nobelists per country.

Having said that, our understanding of how awards have been and are used as a symbol for excellence has remained poor. Using the Netherlands as a case study, this symposium aims at investigating how scientific prizes in general and the Nobel Prize, in particular, are enacted in different settings (museums, universities, cities) and for various purposes. Drawing on current discussions about ‘heroes’ in science (vs. teamwork), we wish to explore the meanings and motives of scientific accolades in the Netherlands and beyond.

Read more on the conference website

Call for Papers: Congres ‘De ontwikkeling van de periodieke pers aan de Nederlandse en Belgische universiteiten sinds 1800’ (25 November 2022; Deadline 1 juli 2022)

Iedere Nederlandse en Belgische universiteit heeft er één: het universiteitsbrede blad dat zich richt op alle geledingen van de universiteit: studenten, wetenschappelijk en niet-wetenschappelijk personeel, en overige belangstellenden. Ze vormen een zichtbaar en bindend element in de complexe organisatie van de moderne universiteit.

Sommige van deze bladen werden opgericht kort na de Tweede Wereldoorlog toen de wens tot ‘doorbraak’ zich ook openbaarde in de academische wereld; de nieuwe bladen dienden vooral om de civitas-gedachte te versterken. In Utrecht verscheen Sol Iustitia (1946), in Amsterdam aan de UvA Folia Civitates (1948), in Nijmegen het Nijmeegs Universiteitsblad (1951) en in Amsterdam aan de VU Ad Valvas (1953). Andere universiteitsbrede bladen werden opgericht op de golven van de democratisering in de jaren zestig en zeventig, zoals in Groningen de Universiteitskrant (1971), in Leuven (studentenkrant) Veto (1974), in Gent (studentenblad) Schamper (1975), in Maastricht Maffius (1975), de voorloper van Observant en in Leiden Mare (1977). In deze tijd zouden ook de eerder opgerichte bladen vaak radicaal van karakter veranderen.

Lees meer op Gewina.nl

Call for 2022-23 Fellowships at the Beckman Center, Science History Institute (Philadelphia, PA; Deadline 15 January 2022)

This year, the Beckman Center introduces new Curatorial Fellowships, two-year full-time staff positions in the Othmer Library, and the Museum intended for historians and other academic researchers in the history of science who are seeking professional opportunities outside of academia. The Beckman Center is located within an institution that boasts a full and active professional staff in each of these fields, allowing for full support to researchers seeking careers in libraries and museums in addition to those conducting scholarly research. Lees meer…

[CfP] Science and the Moving Image: Histories of Intermediality (Online, 2-3 November, 2021; Deadline: 28 June, 2021)


Since the advent of film in the late nineteenth century, moving images have been integral to making and communicating science. A rich interdisciplinary literature has examined such representations of science in the cinema and on television and investigated how scientists have used moving images to conduct research and communicate knowledge.

Responding to growing interest in science and the moving image, this online workshop uses the concept of ‘intermediality’ as a starting point to discuss new approaches and methodologies. Intermediality, coined by media scholars to describe the interplay between different media, magnifies their multiple meanings and heterogenous interrelations. Moving images especially invite intermedial analysis because they are often composed of interrelated visuals, speech, music, and text; film can also be cut into stills for reproduction in newspapers, advertisements, and journals. Lees meer…

[CfP] Science Popularization as Cultural Diplomacy: UNESCO, 1946-1958 (Online, 13-14 December 2021; Deadline 15 June 2021)


From its creation after World War II, UNESCO became a political battleground in which different visions of science and the world order fought for hegemony. As it is well known, Julian Huxley (1887-1975) and Joseph Needham (1900-1995) were the first General Director and the first Director of the Natural Sciences Division. Their administration stressed the “social implications of science” -through the influence of Bernalist Marxism- and the “periphery principle” in international relations. They also included science popularization in its priorities, but UNESCO’s popularization program would only start once the Cold War increased in intensity and Huxley and Needham’s policies were substituted by the leadership of the physicist Pierre Auger (1899-1993) as new head of the Natural Sciences Division.

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[Call for Session Proposals] BSHS Virtual Conference (13-15 July 2021; Deadline 10 May 2021)


The BSHS Conferences Committee now invites proposals for individual papers and for sessions from historians of science, technology and medicine, and from their colleagues in the wider scholarly community, on any theme, topic or period. Lees meer…

Call for Papers/Early Career Workshop: What was Epidemiology? New Perspectives on the History of an Undisciplined Field (Edinburgh, 14-17 June 2021; Deadline 9 April 2021)


This workshop’s overarching question is: What was Epidemiology? We will open a forum for creative explorations of a new historiography of epidemiology in the long twentieth century (1890 – 2010). Given our Covid present, the workshop’s question will prompt reflections on the value of this history within an ongoing pandemic.

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Grants: Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics (Deadline: 15 April 2021)


The Center for History of Physics at the American Institute of Physics awards grants-in-aid to support research in the history of the physical sciences. Past recipients have used grants to support thesis research, oral history interviews, book projects, and more.

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Research Fellowships: Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Philadelphia (Deadline: 15 April 2021)


The Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine invites applications for research fellowships in the history of science, technology and medicine, broadly construed. These fellowships are open to scholars at all stages of their academic careers, and will support research travel to Consortium member institutions when research activities can resume. Scholars residing in Brazil, India and South Africa and working in medical humanities and the history of medicine are eligible for additional support generously provided by the Wellcome Trust. Lees meer…