PERSONEN FILTERS: pagina=26, s=, field=scientific instruments, berichten=
Gevonden personen:
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Bijanchij, C.
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Maker of meteorological instruments in Amsterdam. Carlo worked in The Netherlands since 1770, first with barometer maker Ludovico Primavesi. In 1771 Bianchi & Primavesi sold some instruments to the Fundatie van Renswoude in The Hague. From 1778 on he no longer worked with Primavesi, but with his brother Saverio. They made barometers, air pumps, Leiden jars, weather glasses and spiral thermometers. They made barometers, air pumps, Leiden jars, weather glasses and spiral thermometers. The latter instrument was invented in Austria in 1776 by Jacob Bianchi, probably their father.
Collection: Museum Boerhaave Leiden (instrument signed 'Bianchy Primavesi / fecit Amsterdam'), Universiteitsmuseum Utrecht, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in Paris (thermometer made between 1770 and 1790).
- Amsterdam 1778~
- instrument maker 1770~ - 1793~, Amsterdam
- Bolle, B., Barometers in beeld (Lochem/Poperinge 1983).
- Rooseboom, M., Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden (Leiden 1950).
- Ebeling, E., Naamlijst en korte beschrijving van wis- en natuurkundige werktuigen, bij één verzameld door den weledelen heer Mr. E. Ebeling (Amsterdam 1789).
- Zuidervaart, H.J., ‘An Eighteenth-Century Medical-Meteorological Society in the Netherlands. An Investigation on Early Instrumentation, Organisation and Quantification of the Science of Weather’ in: British Journal for the History of Science 38 (2005) 379-410 en idem 39 (2006) 49-66.
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Instrument retailer and bookseller from Amsterdam. Sold, among other instruments, the pocket globes made by Johannes Deur.
- instrument maker 
- Archive Museum Boerhaave
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Maker of optical instruments. Polished ocular lenses and made iron telescope tubes. Made an extendible telescope with five iron drawtubes for the Huygens brothers Christiaan and Constantijn (ca. 1683). The tubes were constructed by Langendelf, the lens was ground by Christiaan Huygens.
- Den Haag 
- instrument maker 1667~, Den Haag
- Huygens, Chr. Oeuvres Complètes.
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Borius, L.
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Telescope maker from Amsterdam. Sold telescopes for navigating officers to the VOC. After his death in 1699 his wife would continue to sell instruments with her late husband's business partner Dirck van Lier. Telescopes made by Borrius were in the George Clifford sale (Amsterdam 1761, no. 86): 'Een Verrekyker met 4 Glaase, lang 4 Voeten, meeden in stukken in en uit te haalen: gemaakt door Borrius' and Assenborch sale (Utrecht, 1794, no. 1): 'Een superbe kijker van vier glasen van Borius'.
- Amsterdam  - 1699
- Instrument maker  - 1699, Amsterdam
- Rooseboom, M., Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden (Leiden 1950).
- Zuidervaart, H.J. ‘The ‘invisible technician’ made visible. Telescope making in the seventeenth and early eighteenth-century Dutch Republic’ in: Alison D. Morrison-Low [et al] (eds.), From Earth-Bound to Satellite. Telescopes, Skills and Networks (Leiden/Boston: Brill 2012), 41-102.
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Metz, Widow Coenraad I Fibus
- Fibus Metz, Widow
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Scientific instrument maker, who continued the Metz workshop after the death of her husband Coenraad Fibus Metz in 1748. Their son Coenraad Fibus Metz II (1732-1778) continued the business around 1770.
- scientific instrument maker 1748, Amsterdam
- Archive Museum Boerhaave
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Was in 1779 "knecht van de chemie" at Utrecht University. Since 1796 he provided also services for the the Collegium pharmaecuticum. Died in 1809 as "Oppasser van het Theatrum Physicum'.
- Utrecht 1779~ - 1809
- Oppasser van het Theatrum Physicum 1779~ - 1809, Utrecht
- Kernkamp, G.W., Acta et decreta senatus. Vroedschapsresolutiën en andere bescheiden betreffende de Utrechtse Academie, 3 vols. (1936-1940)
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
retailer of scientific instruments in Arnhem
- instrument retailer 1898 - [..1944], Arnhem
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Paulus was a grinder of lenses in Arnhem. First mentioned by Christiaan Huygens in 1653.
- grinder of lenses 1653~, Arnhem
- Huygens, Chr. Œuvre complètes de Christiaan Huygens (Amsterdam/Den Haag).
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Caminada-Wolterbeek, Catharina Maria
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Widow of Johannes Caminada in 1887, since then Partner of the Caminada Scientific Instrument Factory in the Hague.
- Partner in a scientific instrument makers firm 1887, Den Haag
- 1856-1906: Vijftig-jarig bestaan van de fabriek Firma Gebr. Caminada Rotterdam> (Rotterdam 1906).
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Ciouni, Lukas
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Scientific instrument maker and traveling retailer from Amsterdam, who made and sold thermometers and barometers. In 1769 on the Groningen Market he put up for raffle a large English telescope. In 1770 in the Leydse courant he announced an association with Paulus Wast junior.
- Scientific instrument maker and traveling retailer 1767~ - 1771~, Amsterdam
- Advertisement in Opregte Groninger courant, 4 Dec. 1767; 10 Jan 1769; 25 Jan 1771
- Advertisement in Leydse courant, 28 May 1770
- Advertisement in Leeuwarder courant, 25 Febr. 1769
- Advertisement in the Oprechte Haerlemsche courant, 21 June 1770
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Christiaensen, Christiaen
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Christiaan Christiaansz. was a compass maker in the Oude Teertuinen in Amsterdam, in 1644. Two ivory sundials by him have been preserved.
Collections: State Przypkowski Museum, Jedrzejow, Poland, Planetarium Zuylenburg, Oud Zuilen.
- compass maker 1644~, Amsterdam
- Kuile, S. ter and W.F.J. Morzer Bruyns, Amsterdamse kompasmakers ca.1580-ca.1850. (Amsterdam, 1999), 55.
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
English scientific instrument maker. In 1761 John Cuthbertson became an apprentice to instrument maker James Champneys, and moved with him to Amsterdam in 1768. The same year he married Champneys' daughter. In Amsterdam Cuthbertson had his workshop on several locations: first on the corner of the Kromme Ellenboogsteeg and the Beursstraat, then at the corner of St. Luciensteeg and the 'Meisjes Weeshuis', the corner of het Osjessluis and the Heiligeweg and on the Nieuwe Zijds Voorburgwal. In 1794, he returned to England, where he resided and worked at 53 / 54 Poland Street in London.
Cuthbertson had a large influence on the development of the study of electricity in The Netherlands and is the builder of the world's largest electrostatic generator, which was designed by Martinus van Marum. This machine is now in Teylers Museum, Haarlem. Cuthbertson also made several other mathematical, physical and optical instruments, such as air pumps, telescopes, microscopes, a pantograph and a thunder house ("donderhuisje"). Cuthbertson also made instruments for the physics department of the Felix Meritis Society.
Collections: Teylers Museum, Haarlem, Museum, Boerhaave Leiden, Universiteitsmuseum, Utrecht.
- Amsterdam 1768 - 1796
- scientific instrumentmaker 1768 - 1794~, Amsterdam
- Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Haarlem
Member 1780 - Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen
Ordinary member 1 May 1777; Contributing member 19 May 1777 
- Rooseboom, M., Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden (Leiden 1950).
- Hackman, W.D., John and Jonathan Cuthbertson: the invention and development of the eighteenth century plate electrical machine (Leiden 1973).
- Claassen, R. & P. Wisse, Tweehonderd jaar Diligentia: 1793-1993 (Den Haag 1993), 71.
- Zuidervaart, H.J., '‘Meest alle van best mahoniehout vervaardigd’ Het natuurfilosofisch instrumentenkabinet van de Doopsgezinde Kweekschool te Amsterdam, 1761-1828', Gewina. Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde, Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Techniek 29 (2006) 81-112. Herdrukt in: Doopsgezinde Bijdragen. Nieuwe reeks 34 (2008) 63-104.
- Turner, G.L'E., Van Marum's scientific instruments in Teyler's museum ; descriptive catalogue I-III (Leyden 1973)
- Wiechmann, A., 'Eene ongemeen Groote Electrizeer-Machine, 200 jaar geleden in 't werk gesteld', Teylers Museum magazijn 3, nr. 2 (1985), 1-4.
- Fournier, M., Early microscopes : a descriptive catalogue (Leiden 2003).
- Catalogus van Mathematische, Philosophische en Optische Instrumenten, welke gemaakt en verkogt worden bij John Cuthbertson [. .] te Amsterdam, bound behind: J. Cuthbertson, Algemeene Eigenschappen van de Electriciteit (Amsterdam, 1773).
- Cuthbertson, J. & J. Champneys, Beschryving van eenige der fraaiste electrische proeven... (Amsterdam 1770).
- Cuthbertson, J. & J. Champneys, Verzameling van eenige fraaie proeven, voor de tafellugtpomp (Amsterdam 1770).
- Morzer Bruyns, W.F.J. Schip Recht door Zee. (Amsterdam, 2003) 122, 126, 130.
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Jan van Musschenbroek was a physical, mathematical, anatomical and surgical instrument maker in Leiden. After the death of his father, Johan van Musschenbroek, Jan took over the workshop. Under his management it reached an absolute top. An unprecedented variety of instruments were offered in a series of priced catalogues. He was a nephew of Samuel van Musschenbroek, and brother of Petrus van Musschenbroek. Jan van Musschenbroek made a large number of instruments for Willem 's Gravesande, who used the instruments for lecture-demonstrations in experiments. He was the first to sell octants in the Dutch Republic.
Collections: Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam.
- Instrument maker 1707 - 1748, Leiden
- curator of instruments of the Leiden Theatrum Astronomicum 1708 - 1748 - Universiteit Leiden, Leiden
- Clercq, P. de, 'Een bijzonder familiestuk. De verrekijker van de Bossche president-schepen mr H B Martini (1693-1776)', Brabants heem 51:2 (1999)
- Clercq, P. de The Leiden Cabinet of Physics: a descriptive catalogue. (Leiden 1997).
- Helden, A.C. van 'Theory and Practice in Air-Pump Construction: The Cooperation Between Willem Jacob 's Gravesande and Jan van Musschenbroek', in: Annals of science 52 (1994).
- Mörzer Bruyns, W.F.J. Schip recht door zee: de octant in de Republiek in de achttiende eeuw (Amsterdam 2003).
- Clercq, P. de At the sign of the oriental lamp: The Musschenbroek workshop in Leiden, 1660-1750 (Rotterdam 1997).
- Clercq, P. de 'A Musschenbroek Trade Catalogue in the Library of Sir Hans Sloane', in: Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 70 (2001).
- Rooseboom, M. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden. (Leiden 1950).
- Clercq, P. de and C. de Mooij 'A Remarkable Family Piece: A Hand-Held Telescope from the Musschenbroek Workshop', in: Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 66 (2000).
- Fournier, M., Early microscopes: A Descriptive Catalogue (Leiden 2003).
- Crommelin, C.A. 'Leidsche leden van het geslacht Van Musschenbroek', in: Jaarboekje voor geschiedenis en oudheidkunde van Leiden en omstreken (1939).
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Snewius, J(oh)an
- Snevits, J.
- Snewintsen, J.
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Astronomical and mathematical instrument and watch maker in the Voorstraat in Utrecht, ca 1637-1675. Son of Jan Anthonisz Sneewints and Maritgen Ghijsbrechtsdr. Molijn.
He married in Utrecht on 18 April 1637 to Clara van Leeuwen from Bergen op Zoom.
Shortly after 1642 he delivered a telescope to the new Utrecht astronomical observatory. In 1652 he matriculated at Utrecht University.
Brother of Anthony Sneewins (Delft) and Henricus Sneewins (Leiden). His sister Sibilla Sneewins was the mother of the Leiden instrument maker Anthony Hoevenaer, who was his apprentice.
Collection: Maritiem Museum, Rotterdam
- Utrecht 1637~ - 1675
- Leiden  - [..1643]
- scientific instrument maker 1637~ - 1675, Utrecht
- Rooseboom, M. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden (Leiden 1950).
- Morpurgo, E. Nederlandse klokken- en horlogemakers vanaf 1300 (Amsterdam 1970).
- Servaas van Rooijen, A.J., De Navorscher 35 (Amsterdam 1885), 238.
- Notarissen in de stad Utrecht, U054a001 (mentioned 1656, 1660, 1662)
- mentioned in Bonboeken Leiden (~1642)
- Wijburg, W.A., 'Hoevenaer', in: De Nederlandsche Leeuw 90 (1973), p. 16 (noot 2)
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Vos, Isaac
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Philologist, natural philosopher and book collector, who -among others- wrote about geography, literature and optics. He traveled to Italy, France and England (1642). At the request of Queen Christina (1649-1652) he went to Sweden and sold her his father's library. In 1670 Vossius left for England where he became the Canon of Windsor (1673). After his death his library, which was reputed to be the finest private library in the world, was sold to the University of Leyden. Vossius is also known to have made his own microscopes.
- philologist, physicist, writer and probably instrument maker [1650..]
- Royal Society of London
Fellow 20-04-1664
- Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 1, p.1519-2520
- Harting, P. Het mikroskoop : deszelfs gebruik, geschiedenis en tegenwoordige toestand; een handboek voor natuur- en geneeskundigen III (Utrecht 1858).
- Bonanni, Ph. Observationes circa viventia, quae in rebus non viventibus reperiuntur : Cum micrographia curiosa sive rerum minutissimarum observationibus, quae ope microscopii recognitae ad vivum experimutur ... (Roma 1691).
- Velde, A.J.J. van de. Bijdrage tot de bibliographische geschiedenis van het microscoop I (Gent 1927).
- Jorink, E. and D. van Miert. Isaac Vossius (1618-1689), between science and scholarship (Leiden 2012).
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Metz de oudere, Coenraad
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Coenraad Metz was a scientific instrument maker from Danzig, who came to Amsterdam, where he became poorter (citizen) in 1665. That year he was a compass maker on the Herengracht, and later he was recorded as instrument maker in the Kalverstraat. In 1685 Metz made a large sextant for the 'Leidse Sterrewacht' (Leiden Observatory). In 1701, he worked with Dirk Metz, probably his son. From 1706-1708, Coenraad was in charge of the maintenance of the scientific instruments of Leiden University. In this he was succeeded by Jan van Musschenbroek.
Collections: Museum Boerhaave, Leiden (sextant, quadrant, protractor, surveying tools in box and ring dials), Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam, Fries Scheepvaart Museum, Sneek.
- compass maker 1665~ - [1709..], Amsterdam
- Scientific instrument maker 
- Cittert, P. van, Het instrumentarium, door Van Swinden bij de invoering van het Metrieke Stelsel gebruikt (Amsterdam 1933).
- Zinner, E., Deutsche und Niederländsche astronomische Instrumente des 11.-18. Jahrhunderts (München 1956)
- Crommelin, C.A., Instrumentmakerskunst en proefondervindelijke natuurkunde (Leiden 1925).
- Mörzer Bruyns, W.F.J. 'Lijst van instrumenten in de verzameling van het Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum Amsterdam'. (Amsterdam 1971).
- Uffenbach, Z.C. von, Merkwürdige Reisen durch Niedersachsen, Holland und Engelland (Ulm 1754).
- [Ebeling, E.], Naamlijst en korte beschrijving van wis- en natuurkundige werktuigen, bij één verzameld door mr. E. Ebeling (Amsterdam 1789).
- Price, D.J., 'A collection of armillary spheres and other antique scientific instruments', Annals of science 10:2 (1954).
- Rooseboom, M., Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden (Leiden 1950).
- Daumas, M., Les instruments scientifiques aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Paris 1953), translated into English as Scientific instruments of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and their makers (Batsford 1972).
- Kuile, S. ter & W.FJ. Mörzer Bruyns, Amsterdamse kompasmakers ca.1580-ca.1850. (Amsterdam 1999).
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Pauw, J.
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: PhD Philosophy
Fields of interest:
Jan Paauw Jr. (c.1723-1803) was one of the most skillful Dutch instrument makers of his time, working in Leiden, Holland. He was the son of Jan Paauw Sr., who probably was also an instrument maker (there is one instrument known, signed 'Jan Paauw Sr.).
Paauw was highly educated. On 23 September 1738 the then 15-year old Jan Paauw matriculated at Leiden University. He worked already as in instrument maker in 1739 (an instrument bearing that date was in the instrument cabinet of the Mennonite Seminary in Amsterdam). Later he finished his education in 1762 with a Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Franeker (promotor: A. Brugmans).
Paauw's instruments could be found in all significant Dutch cabinets of experimental philosophy. He constructed clocks, thermometers, pyrometers, pumps, and microscopes, and sold these instruments to the Universities of Leiden (1758), Utrecht (1761-1764) and Franeker, as well as to the Renswoude Foundation in The Hague (1756-1758), the Mennonite Seminary in Amsterdam (1763), and Teylers' Foundation in Haarlem.
Paauw made a variety of microscopes. Many of them were nearly identical copies of the "Single and Double Microscope" described in George Adams's Micrographia Illustrata of 1771.
In 1798 his name was inscribed again in the Leiden Album Studiosorum, probably to celebrate his 60th anniversary as a scientific instrument maker.
In 1800 Jan Paauw was appointed superintendent of the scientific instruments at the Leiden Theatrum Physicum. He died in 1803 in his house at the 'Nieuwe Rijn'. The inventory in Paauw's workshop was sold at auction in 1804. Several of these instruments were bought for the instrument cabinets of Harderwijk University and the Physics Society 'Diligentia' in The Hague.
Collections: Museum Boerhaave, Leiden and Teylers Museum, Haarlem (burners, pyrometers, (mathematical) models, air pumps, microscopes, clocks and thermometers).
- Leiden 
- scientific instrument maker 1739 - 1803, Leiden
- student 1738 - Universiteit Leiden, Leiden
- PhD student 1762 - Universiteit Franeker, Franeker
- Kunstgenootschap ten zinspreuke voerende ‘Kunst wordt door arbeid verkregen’
Honorary member, hoofdlid, since 26-09-1782 30-01-1782
- Album Studiosorus academiae Lugduno, MDLXXV-MDCCCLXXV (23-09-1738 and 13-10-1798).
- Lulofs, J., Grond-beginselen der wynroey- en peil-kunde, ten dienste der landgenooten (Leiden 1764).
- Paauw, Jan, Beschryvinge van een microscoop : geschikt om allerleye soorten van voorwerpen, doorschynende of ondoorschynende, op de gemaklykste wyze met de noodige verlichting te beschouwen, het zy met eenvouwdige, of 't zaamgestelde vergroot-glazen (Leyden 1775).
- Ebeling, E., Naamlijst en korte beschrijving van wis- en natuurkundige werktuigen, bij één verzameld door den weledelen heer Mr. E. Ebeling (Amsterdam 1789).
- Naamlyst en korte beschryving van alle de wis- en natuurkundige werktuigen, behoorende aan de Stichting van wylen de hoog edele welgeboorene vrouwe, Vryvrouwe van Renswoude, in het Haagsche Burger-Weeshuis: zoo als dezelve bevonden zyn , na de voltooying van de nieuwe zaal, in het jaar 1801 ('s-Gravenhage 1802).
- Molhuysen, P.C., Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van de Leidsche Universiteit, vol. 6 ('s-Gravenhage 1923).
- Clay, R.S. and T.H. Court, The history of the microscope : compiled from original instruments and documents, up to the introduction of the achromatic microscope (London 1932).
- Kernkamp, G.W., Acta et decreta senatus, vol. 2 (Utrecht 1938).
- Veerman, K., Euclides' elementen en de modellen van Jan Paauw (1992).
- Bolle, B., Barometers in beeld (Lochem 1983).
- Rooseboom, M., Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden (Leiden 1950).
- Paauw, Jan, Catalogus van een zoo uitmuntend als fraai kabinet [van] natuur- wis - en sterrekundige werktuigen, […] alles nagelaaten door wijlen den heere Jan Paauw , (Leiden 1804).
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Regnerus, Gemma
- Frisius, Jemme Reinerszoon
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Mathematican, astronomer, astrologer, physician, cartographer and instrument maker. He was born in Dokkum, Friesland of poor parents, who died when he was young. He moved to Groningen and studied mathematics and astronomy at the University of Leuven. While still a student, Frisius set up a workshop to produce globes and mathematical instruments. He made his first globe in 1527 together with Gaspar van der Heyden and Franciscus Monachus. Next to globes Frisius made astrolabes, cross staffs and astronomical rings in his workshop. His students included Gualterus Arsenius (who succeeded him after his death and who was also possibly his nephew), Gerardus Mercator, Johannes Stadius, John Dee, Andreas Vesalius and Rembert Dodoens.
Collection: Museum Boerhaave Leiden, Fries Museum Leeuwarden.
- Mathematican, astronomer, astrologer, physician, cartographer and instrument maker 1531 - 1555, Leuven
- K. van Cleempoel, A catalogue raisonne of scientific instruments from the Louvain school, 1530-1600 (Turnhout 2002).
- E. Morpurgo, Nederlandse klokken- en horlogemakers vanaf 1300 (Amsterdam 1970).
- K. Cleempoel e.a., Scientific instruments in the sixteenth century : the Spanish court and the Louvain School : Fundacion Carlos de Amberes Madrid 26 November 1997-1 February 1998 (Madrid 1997).
- F. Gratien van Ortory, Bio-bibliographie de Gemma Frisius, fondateur de l'Ecole Belge de Géographie, de son fils Corneille et de ses neveux les Arsenius (Bruxelles 1920/ Amsterdam 1966).
- G. Kish, Medicina, Mensura, Mathematica : the life and works of Gemma Frisius, 1508-1555 (Minneapolis 1967).
- K. van Cleempoel en A. Turner, 'A Master-work of Mathematical Art from 16th Century Louvain', in: Bulletin of Scientific Instrument Society 66 (2000), 9.
- H. Michel, Recherches sur l'orgine de Gemma Frisius (Bruxelles 1952).
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
- Amsterdam 1765 - 1794
- instrument maker 1765~ - 1794, Amsterdam
- W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns, Alphabetical list of Dutch instrument makers compiled by W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns (Amsterdam 1986).
- B. Bolle, Barometers in beeld (Lochem/Poperinge 1983), 246 (vt.nt. 395).
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
- Merica, G. van der
- Merica of Amyricus, G.
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Instrument maker from Leuven. Worked with Gemma Frisius from 1527-1537. He was also the tutor of Gerard Mercator. Van der Heyden made globes and was also an engraver and goldsmith. The last two globes known were destroyed during the Second World War. Van der Heyden made never scientific instruments by himself.
- maker of globes 1527~ - 1537, Leuven
- Cleempoel, K. van. 'The production of scientific instruments in Louvain', in: Esteban Pineiro (et al.), M. Scientific instruments in the sixteenth century: the Spanish court and the Louvain School; Fundacion Carlos de Amberes Madrid 26 November 1997-1 February 1998 (Madrid 1997).
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Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Gevonden berichten:
30-03-2010 02:45 - Torrentius, Laevinus (1525-1595)
30-03-2010 01:56 - Scaliger, Josephus (1540-1609)
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Gevonden publicaties:
Series of analytical functions
Referentie: Proceedings, volume 22, deel 7-8 (1920), 656-660Cerebellar ataxia as disturbance of the equilibrium-sensation
Referentie: Proceedings, volume 21, deel 5 (1919), 637-643On the Heat of Dissociation of Di-atomic Gases in Connection with the Increased Valency Attractions √A of the Free Atoms
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Referentie: Proceedings, volume 21, deel 5 (1919), 707-710On the Theory of the Friction of Liquids
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Referentie: Proceedings, volume 21, deel 6-7 (1919), 803-815The zincates of sodium. Equilibriums in the system Na2O-ZnO-H2O
Referentie: Proceedings, volume 22, deel 3 (1919), 179-189Some new sedimentary boulders collected at Groningen
Referentie: Proceedings, volume 22, deel 3 (1919), 225-235Tonic reflexes on the labryrinth on the eye-muscles
Referentie: Proceedings, volume 22, deel 3 (1919), 242-250On Polonium Radiation and Recovery of Function
Referentie: Proceedings, volume 22, deel 5 (1919), 383-385Researches on scopolamin-morphin narcosis
Referentie: Proceedings, volume 22, deel 5 (1919), 386-392Authors
Storm van Leeuwen, W., Made, M. van derKeywords
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