PERSONEN FILTERS: s=, field=arts
Gevonden personen:
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Baud had various occupations in the ministry of colonies before he was appointed minister of colonies. From 1840 until 1848, he was minister of colonies. He was appointed "Minister van Staat" in 1954. Next to his political career, he was interested in arts and sciences, so he was one of the founders of the KITLV and he was an active member of the Bataviaasch genootschap der kunsten en wetenschappen.
- Batavia 1810 - 1821
- Den Haag 1821 - 1833
- Batavia 1833 - 1836
- Den Haag 1836 - 1859
- luitenant-gouverneur-generaal van Nederlandsch-Indië 1833 - 1836
- minister of colonies 1840 - 1848
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Lyonet, Petrus
- Lyonnet, Pieter
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Physiscist. Lyonnet was a student of Law in Leiden. He became lawyer in The Hague and later held the position of the 'Secretaris der Cijfers'. He was interested in natural history and published a work on insects, which was beautifully illustrated by Lyonnet himself. In 1749 Lyonnet began his considerable collection of horns and shells, which was, according to testimony of travelers and experts, one of the most beautiful in the whole of Europe. During the last 20 years of his life, Lyonnet collected a cabinet of paintings, that held more than 560 pieces, under which work of some of the most famous masters. Lyonnet was famous throughout whole Europe and member of several societies of physics. He was a man of impeccable behavior and a devoted christian.
- Den Haag 
- lawyer , Den Haag
- Secretaris van Cijfers 
- translator French linguistic 
- patentmeester 
- student of Law  - Universiteit Leiden
- Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Haarlem
Member 1753 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 14-01-1748
- Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 8, p.1089-1090
- Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 8, p.1089-1090
- Lalande, J.J. de. Voyage de Hollande, Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France, Ms 2195, p. 43, 54.
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Hemsterhuis, Franciscus
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Hemsterhuis was a Dutch philosopher and writer on aesthetics. He studied at the University of Leiden, after which he entered the service of the Dutch Republic, where he acted as secretary to the state council of the United Provinces since 1769. He held this position until 1780. He became acquainted with many distinguished persons, such as Goethe, Herder and Jacobi. He was a very close friend of Adelheid Amalia, prinses Gallitzin, wife of the Russian ambassador in The Hague, who he met in 1775. He educated her in the exact sciences and philosophy and was tutor to her children. He invented an achromatic binocular telescope, and tested all the optical instruments of the Amsterdam Van Deijl instrument makers firm.
- Leiden 1740 - 1755
- Den Haag 1755 - 1790
- Eerste commis van de Staat 1769 - 1790, Den Haag
- student  - Universiteit Leiden
- Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen
Ordinary member 6 May 1779; 1779 - Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Haarlem
Member 1772 - Natuur- en Geneeskundige Correspondentie Societeit in de Vereenigde Nederlanden - ’s HageDen Haag
contributing member 1779
- 'Naamlijst der H.H. Leden van de Algemeene Natuur en Geneeskundige Correspondentie-Societeit', in: Verhandelingen van de Natuur- en Geneeskundige Correspondentie-Societeit ('s Gravenhage 1783).
- L. Brummel, Frans Hemsterhuis. Een Philosophenleven (Haarlem, 1925)
- Petry, Michael J., ‘Hemsterhuis on Mathematics and Optics’, in: The Light of Nature: Essays in the History of Science presented to A.C. Crombie, edited by J. D. North and J. J. Roche (Dordrecht, 1985), 209–239.
- Zuidervaart, H.J., 'Reflecting 'Popular Culture' : The Introduction, Diffusion, and Construction of the Reflecting Telescope in the Netherlands', Annals of Science 61:4 (2004), 407-452.
- Petry, Michael J. [et al] Frans Hemsterhuis. Waarneming en werkelijkheid (Baarn, 1988)
- Sluis, J. van, ‘Hemsterhuis en de familie-Van Aylva. Tekstuitgave van een [Franstalige] correspondentie’ [Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte in Nederland. Documentatieblad van de Werkgroep ‘Sassen’ 2 (1991), 71–88.