PERSONEN FILTERS: pagina=2, s=, membership=Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala, personen=
Gevonden personen:
Jacob Cornelius Kapteyn
MALEBarneveld, Netherlands 19-01-1851 - † Amsterdam, Netherlands 18-06-1922
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
- KNAW-Lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: Onderzoek der trillende platte vliezenHighest degree: doctor
Fields of interest:
Kapteyn was born in Barneveld, and grew up in a boarding school run by his parents, Gerrit Jacobus Kapteyn and the former Elisabeth Cornelia Koopmans. He was the ninth of fifteen children and family life was minimal because of his parents' running of the school. Whereas Kapteyn's older brother, Albertus Philippus (1848-1927) was judged by his father not to be suited for a higher education and was sent to a trade school (he became a well-known engineer, who ran Westinghouse Airbrake Europe), Jacobus showed his talents early and went to the University of Utrecht in 1868, at the age of 17. He took his Ph.D. in 1875 with a dissertation on Onderzoek der trillende platte vliezen (A Study of Vibrating Flat Membranes).
Kapteyn's first position was as observer at the Leiden Observatory (which because of Kaiser had become one of the foremost institutions for position measurements), but in 1877 he accepted the appointment to the new chair of astronomy at the university of Groningen. Had he remained at Leiden, he would undoubtedly have made his career as an observer. At Groningen, however, this was not an option: his requests for a well-equipped observatory fell on deaf ears because of opposition from the existing observatories at Leiden and Utrecht. Instead, he entered an arrangement with David Gill at the Cape Observatory: in Groningen, Kapteyn would measure the plates made by Gill's staff in their photographic Durchmusterung of the southern skies. For this work, Kapteyn designed precision instruments and organized an astronomical laboratory. The work began in 1885 and the positions of 450,000 southern stars thus measured appeared in three volumes between 1896 and 1900.
But stellar positions and brightnesses were only a means to an end. Like many other astronomers of his day, Kapteyn was interested in the distribution of stars and the structure of the Milky Way. By 1906, he had organized the international cooperative 'Plan of Selected Areas', in which the work of cataloguing the stars in 206 sample areas was divided among 30 observatories, a work that was not finished until almost half a century after Kapteyn's death. The information obtained was: apparent brightness, proper motion, radial motion, color, etc. Since the correlation of apparent brightness with distance had already been proven erroneous by William Herschel toward the end of his life, Kapteyn took a statistical approach: although the correlation was false for individual stars, it should apply for representative groupings of stars. By about 1920, as Kapteyn's career neared its end, enough information was becoming available to reveal a disk-like structure of the Milky Way, about six times as wide as thick, with the Sun near the center. Kapteyn was aware of the problem of extinction absorption of starlight by interstellar matter, but all his efforts to measure this were negative. The 'Kapteyn Universe' was therefore altered when absorption was demonstrated: its size had to be increased (although not as much as Harlow Shapley advocated) and the position of the Sun was determined, as argued by Shapley, to be eccentric. Kapteyn's program, however, retained its validity and was pursued by his successors. His study also showed that there were preferred motions of stars in the solar neighborhood, which showed relative motions of two groups of stars: this was important evidence that the Milky Way had a spiral structure and that our Sun was in one of the spiral arms.
After World War I, Kapteyn was one of a handful of scientists (see also Lorentz) who opposed the exclusion of German and Austrian scientists from international bodies and cooperative research, a practice not stopped until after his death. Kapteyn retired in 1921
- Groningen 
- hoogleraar sterrenkunde en theoretische mechanica 1877 - 1921, Groningen
- physics and mathematics student 1868 - 1875, Leiden
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Member Afd. Natuurkunde 09-05-1888 - Royal Society of London
Foreign Member 26-06-1919 - Nederlands Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres
Member [..1890]
- Kapteyn, J.C., Verslagen Natuurkunde 31, 1922, p. 284-287 door F.A.F.C. Went.
- Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederlandse Wiskundigen.
- Biografie opgenomen in History of Science and Scholarship in the Netherlands
- A. Blaauw, 'Kapteijn, Jacobus Cornelius (1851-1922)', in Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland. URL: [12-11-2013].
- Ledenlijst Vereeniging het Nederl. Natuur- en Geneesk. Congres (1890).
The Milky way and the star-streams Year: . Pages: 8. (PDF format)
The determination of the Apex of the Solar motion Year: . Pages: 23. (PDF format)
On the parallax of the nebulae Year: . Pages: 10. (PDF format)
Reply to the criticism of Dr. J. Stein, S.J Year: . Pages: 12. (PDF format)
Star systems and the milky way Year: . Pages: 4. (PDF format)
On the mean star-density at different distances from the solar system Year: . Pages: 11. (PDF format)
On the luminosity of the fixed stars Year: . Pages: 33. (PDF format)
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Served in the Dutch East India Company, went to Batavia (1732), became governor of Ceylon, studied flora and fauna of Java
- Utrecht 
- Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen
Ordinary member 1 nov 1781; Contributing member 23 Nov 1781 1781 - 1789 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 27-11-1760
N/AMember Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Lyonet, Petrus
- Lyonnet, Pieter
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Physiscist. Lyonnet was a student of Law in Leiden. He became lawyer in The Hague and later held the position of the 'Secretaris der Cijfers'. He was interested in natural history and published a work on insects, which was beautifully illustrated by Lyonnet himself. In 1749 Lyonnet began his considerable collection of horns and shells, which was, according to testimony of travelers and experts, one of the most beautiful in the whole of Europe. During the last 20 years of his life, Lyonnet collected a cabinet of paintings, that held more than 560 pieces, under which work of some of the most famous masters. Lyonnet was famous throughout whole Europe and member of several societies of physics. He was a man of impeccable behavior and a devoted christian.
- Den Haag 
- lawyer , Den Haag
- Secretaris van Cijfers 
- translator French linguistic 
- patentmeester 
- student of Law  - Universiteit Leiden
- Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Haarlem
Member 1753 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 14-01-1748
- Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 8, p.1089-1090
- Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 8, p.1089-1090
- Lalande, J.J. de. Voyage de Hollande, Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France, Ms 2195, p. 43, 54.
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Pensioner of Rotterdam (1748)
- Rotterdam 
- Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde - Leiden
Member 1767 - 1771 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 24-04-1760
N/AMember Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Titsingh, Mr. Isaac
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Head of the factory of the Dutch East India Company, Nagasaki (1778-1784), "Raad Extra-Ordinair van Nederlands Indië" (~1790), Director of Bengalen
- Raad Extra-Ordinair van Nederlands Indië 1790~
- Head of the factory of the Dutch East India Company 1778 - 1784, Nagasaki
- Director 1790~, Bengalen
- Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Haarlem
Director 1795 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 22-06-1797 - Bataviaasch Genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen - Batavia
member (1778) and Director (1789)  1792~
N/AMember Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: De Osteogenia (1731).Highest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Job Baster was a disciple of Herman Boerhaave and Willem Jacob 's Gravesande. He was also a Physician. To complete his study he went to France and England to visit the hospitals and botanical gardens. During this trip he made valuable contacts like Hans Sloane and Philip Miller. His research attracted international attention. In 1737 Baster became a member of the Royal Society and several of his articles were published in 'Philosophical Transactions'.
- Zierikzee 
- Paris 1731 - 1732
- England 1732
- medicine student 1727 - 31-05-1731 - Hogeschool Leiden
- Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Haarlem
member 1755 - (Koninklijk) Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen
member 28-06-1768 - Royal Society of London
member 1737
- Bibliografie van Biografieën van biologen, dierkundigen, kruidkundigen, plantkundigen, biohistorici, natuurbeschermers, natuurfotografen, natuurillustratoren, natuurschilders etc. voor 1950 geboren.
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: Dissertation sur l'incertitude des cinq prèmiers siècles de l'histoire romaine (1738)Highest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Beaufort was a historian.
- Maastricht 
- student , Strasbourg
- (Koninklijk) Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen
member 25-04-1769 - 17-08-1795 - Royal Society of London
N/AMember Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Ingen-Housz, Johannes
- Ingen-Housz, Jan
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
- Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte - Rotterdam
Correspondent 1771 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 25-05-1769
Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir
MALEDen Haag, Netherlands 17-07-1909 - † Heeze, Netherlands 04-04-2000
Member Group(s)
- KNAW-Lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: PhD (1931, Leyden University)
Fields of interest:
- Heeze 
- Assistant to Wolfgang Pauli, Zurich (1932-1933); Senior assistant, and Curator, Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory (1936); Extraordinarius Professor of Physics, Leyden (1939-1942); worked in Philips Company research laboratory, Eindhoven (1942); Co-director, Philips Research Laboratories (1946-1972); Member of the Board of Directors with responsibility for research, Philips (1956-1972); his 80th birthday was celebrated with a symposium in Eindhoven (1989) 
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Member Afd. Natuurkunde 12-06-1946 - Royal Society of London
Foreign Member 23-04-1970
- Casimir, H.B.G., Levensberichten en herdenkingen 2001, p. 13-21 door D. Polder.
Joannes Nicolaus Sebastianus Allamand
MALELausanne, Switzerland 18-09-1713 - † Leiden, Netherlands 02-03-1787
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Allamand, Jean Nicolas Sebastien
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Allamand studied Theology in Lausanne and became a preacher. He came to Holland shortly after Herman Boerhaave died and worked as an educator for several families. He was a disciple of Adriaan 's Gravenzande. Appointed prof. phil. in Deventer on 3 march 1747. On 1 febr. 1749, he was appointed prof. math. et phil. in Leiden where he taught natural history, zoology, philosophy and physics. Emeritus in 1784.
- Leiden [1738-09-23..] - 1787-03-02
- Professor in natural history 
- Professor in math. and phyl.  - Universiteit Leiden
- Theology  - University of Lausanne
- Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte - Rotterdam
Consultant 1769 - Bataviaasch Genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen - Batavia
Corresponding member 1786~ - 1790 - Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Haarlem
member 1754 - Royal Society of London
member 1755
- Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederlandse Wiskundigen.
- Lalande, J.J. de. Voyage de Hollande, Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France, Ms 2195, p. 4, 28, 49, 59-62, 64-65, 79.
- Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 1, p.75-76
- Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek (NNBW), Deel 1, p.75-76
N/AMember Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Kolescheri von Keres-eer, Samul
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Originally intended to go into the Church but after some years in Debreczen, returned to Leyden to study medicine, practised in Transylvania, Secretary to the Government of Transylvania, Upper Inspector of Mines, arrested for bigamy, died of a catarrhal fever and apoplexy
- student  - Universiteit Franeker
- Royal Society of London
Fellow 16-10-1729 - Academiae Caesareae Leopoldina-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum
- List of Fellows of the Royal Society 1660 - 2007. A complete listing of all Fellows and Foreign Members since the foundation of the Society. A-J / K-Z. The Royal Society, Library and Information Services. July 2007
N/AWiki and VIAF
Wiki Data: N/AVIAF: N/A
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
- KNAW-Lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: Die Nebenorgane des Auges der einheimischen LacertidaeHighest degree: doctor
Fields of interest:
- Eerbeek 
- buitengewoon hoogleraar in de vergelijkende ontleedkunde en zoötomie 1883 - Universiteit van Amsterdam
- director of the Zoölogisch Museum 
- medicine and zoology student 1873 - 1875, Bonn
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Member Afd. Natuurkunde 11-05-1887 - Royal Society of London
Foreign Member 27-06-1935 - Nederlands Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres
Member [..1890]
- Weber, M.W.C., Verslagen Natuurkunde 46, 1937, p. 16-17 door J. van der Hoeve.
- 'Weber, Max Wilhelm Carl (1852-1937)', in Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland. URL: [12-11-2013].
- Ledenlijst Vereeniging het Nederl. Natuur- en Geneesk. Congres (1890).
N/AMember Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Royen, Adriaan van
- Roijen, Adrianus van
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Career: Practised in Leyden, Lecturer in Botany (1729), then Professor of Botany and Medicine (1732-1775), Leyden, relieved from teaching duties (1754) , Son of Jan van Royen and his wife, Cornelia van Groenendijk, married Adriana Johanna, daughter of Professor Johannes Wesselius and his wife, Adriana van Ruytenburg
- Leiden 
- Leiden 
- medicine Doctor; Hoogleraer. 
- Letterkundig genootschap onder de zinspreuk ‘Kunstliefde Spaart Geen Vlijt’
Extra ordinary honorary member 1776 - 1779 - Kunstgenootschap ten zinspreuke voerende ‘Kunst wordt door arbeid verkregen’
Member 31-12-1777 - 1779-02 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 27-06-1728 - Bataviaasch Genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen - Batavia
Corresponding member 1786~ - 1790
- Bibliografie van Biografieën van biologen, dierkundigen, kruidkundigen, plantkundigen, biohistorici, natuurbeschermers, natuurfotografen, natuurillustratoren, natuurschilders etc. voor 1950 geboren.
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Scientific instrument maker from Dantzig, Poland. Fahrenheit spent a large part of his life in the Dutch Republic. He made mainly thermometers, before 1716 he also made telescopes. Between 1702 and 1706 Fahrenheit was an apprentice in Amsterdam. In 1708, he went to Denmark and learned from Ole Romer in Copenhagen how to make thermometers. In 1717 he returned to Amsterdam, where he settled in the Leidsestraat, at the copper smith Roemer. Between 1717 and 1730 he taught physics and chemistry for a Group of Mennonite enthusiasts. He made thermometers, barometers, aerometers, perpetuum mobiles, eye models, pycnometers, solar microscopes, reflecting telescopes and mercury clocks. Fahrenheit is best known for for developing a temperature scale, named after him. In 1724 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London.
Collections: Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, Universiteitsmuseum Utrecht, Universiteitsmuseum Groningen, Planetarium Zuylenburgh, Oud Zuilen.
- instrument maker 1708~ - 1736
- Royal Society of London
Fellow 07-05-1724
- Bolle, B., Barometers in beeld (Lochem/Poperinge 1983).
- Rooseboom, M., Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de noordelijke Nederlanden (Leiden 1950).
- Kant, Horst, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, René-Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, Anders Celsius (Leipzig 1984).
- Zuidervaart, H.J., Van 'Konstgenoten' en hemelse fenomenen. Nederlandse sterrenkunde in de achttiende eeuw (Rotterdam 1999).
- [Ebeling, E.], Naamlijst en korte beschrijving van wis- en natuurkundige werktuigen, bij één verzameld door mr. E. Ebeling (Amsterdam 1789).
- Cohen, E. & W. A. T. Cohen-De Meester, ‘Danie¨l Gabriel Fahrenheit’, Chemisch Weekblad, 33 (1936), 1–58 and 34 (1937), 1–11 (pages reprint). Partly published in the German language in: Verhandelingen der Kon. Akad. van Wetenschappen, Afd. Natuurkunde (Eerste sectie), 16, No. 2 (1936).
- Star, P. van der, Fahrenheit’s Letters to Leibnitz and Boerhaave, Amsterdam, 1983
- Mills, A. A., ‘Portable Heliostats (Solar Illuminators)’, Annals of Science 43 (1986), 369–406, esp. 375–6.
N/AMember Group(s)
- Boerhaave (instrumentenmakers)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
- Eckhardt, A.G.
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Engineer, inventor and entrepeneur who lived between approximately 1740 and 1810. Eckhart lived in The Hague and from ca. 1780 in London. Designed and probably also made instruments, mainly mathematical instruments such as rulers, drawing compasses and "grafometers". In 1799, several items were auctioned: a bronze drawing compass, an ebony parallel ruler, a wooden parallel ruler and a mahogany graphometer.
Collection: Museum Boerhaave Leiden (graphometer, drawing compass by designed by Eckhart), Museum of the History of Science Oxford (a parallel ruler designed by Eckhardt).
- Den Haag 
- instrument maker 1770 - 1780~, Den Haag
- instrument maker [1780..], London
- Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen - Haarlem
Member 1779 - Royal Society of London
- Aeneae, H. Wiskundige beschouwing van een hellend water-scheprad, nieuwelings door den Heere A.G. Eckhardt uitgevonden (Amsterdam 1774).
- Memorie ter volkomene aanwijzing der belangrijke voordeelen voor den lande, door een algemeen gebruik van watermolens met hellende schepranden, naar de vinding van de gebroeders A.G. en F.F. Eckhardt (1808).
- Mörzer Bruyns, W.F.J. 'Lijst van instrumenten in de verzameling van het Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum te Amsterdam'. (Amsterdam 1971).
- Clercq, P. de. '"A Dutch gentleman" in London. Antoine George Eckhardt, F.R.S. (1740-1810) and instruments of his invention', in: Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 84 (2005), 10-16.
- Beschrijving van een algemeenen graphometer, zijnde een allernaauwkeurigst teken-werktuig (Den Haag 1778).
- Memorie wegens een werktuig, geschikt om grachten, rivieren of havens uit te diepen of te ruimen (1780).
N/AMember Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
- KNAW-Lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: stereoscopie door kleurverschilHighest degree: doctor
Fields of interest:
Nobel Prize (Physiology or Medicine) 1924.
- Leiden 
- professor in physiology 1886, Leiden
- rector magnificus 1905 - 1906 - Universiteit Leiden
- medicine and physics student 1878 - 1885, Utrecht
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Member Afd. Natuurkunde 06-06-1902 - Royal Society of London
Foreign Member 29-04-1926 - Nederlands Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres
Member [..1890]
- Einthoven, W., Verslagen Natuurkunde 36, 1927, p. 936-939 door F.A.F.C. Went.
- Ledenlijst Vereeniging het Nederl. Natuur- en Geneesk. Congres (1890).
- A.M. Luyendijk-Elshout, 'Einthoven, Willem (1860-1927)', in Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland. URL: [12-11-2013].
On tbe Observation and Representation of Thin Threads Year: . Pages: 2. (PDF format)
On the theory of LIPPMANN'S Capillary Electrometer Year: . Pages: 14. (PDF format)
On a new method of damping oscillatory deflections of a galvanometer Year: . Pages: 11. (PDF format)
On a third heart sound Year: . Pages: 4. (PDF format)
On some applications of the string-galvanometer Year: . Pages: 9. (PDF format)
Analysis of the curves obtained with the string galvanometer. Mass and tension of the quartz wire and resistance to the motion of the string Year: . Pages: 60. (PDF format)
The string galvanometer and the human electrocardiogram Year: . Pages: 12. (PDF format)
Member Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
Worked with his father, a tallow chandler, apprenticed to his brother James, a printer who started a newspaper about 1709, went to London and worked in a printing office in Bartholomew Close (1724-1726?), returned to Philadelphia and established a printing house, bought the Pennsylvania Gazette (1729), began publishing "Poor Richard's almanac" (1732), Clerk of the Assembly (1736), Postmaster of Philadelphia (1737), Postmaster General for the colonies (1754), experimented on electricity (1749 and 1752) and suggested the use of lightning conductors, was sent to Great Britain (1757 and 1764-1775), received the Freedom of St Andrews, sent to Paris (1776), returned to Philadelphia (1785), elected President of the State of Pennsylvania, delegate to the Convention which framed the Constitution of the United States, retired from public life (1788)
- Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte - Rotterdam
Correspondent 1771 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 29-05-1756
N/AMember Group(s)
- Genootschaps-lid
- KNAW-Lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: Onderzoekingen over de natuur der lichenenHighest degree: doctor
Fields of interest:
Treub was the son of the local burgomaster. After attending the municipal HBS in Leiden, he started his studies in biology at the university of Leiden in 1869. His most important teachers were the botanist W.F.R. Suringar and the zoologist E. Selenka. Treub received his Ph.D. in 1873 on a dissertation on the true nature of lichens (Onderzoekingen over de natuur der lichenen [Leiden: Van der Hoek, 1873]), an elaboration of an earlier gold medal winning study. From 1874 to 1880, Treub was botanical assistant to Suringar. The high quality of his studies on plant cytology, histology, nucleus division, and embryology brought him membership of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1879.
In 1880 Treub was appointed director of 's Lands Plantentuin (Botanical Garden) in Buitenzorg on Java in the Dutch East Indies (now Kebun Raya at Bogor, Indonesia). Within a year, he had rearranged the curriculum of the attached agricultural school. He went on to revitalize the gardens, herbaria, library, and scientific research. Treub insisted that applied agricultural research should always be based on pure scientific research. In 1883 he founded a new periodical, Mededeelingen, to publish the results of the researches carried on at the gardens. In order to accommodate the increasing numbers of foreign scientists visiting the gardens, Treub opened a new laboratory in 1885. Using various means of publication such as articles in a popular Dutch literary journal, and the newly founded journals Bulletin du jardin botanique de Buitenzorg and Teysmannia (both beginning in 1894), he tried to make the authorities and the general public aware of the rich economical potentials of the colony.
On medical leave in the Netherlands in 1887. Treub established the Buitenzorg Fund, which provided grants for botanists to work in Java. From that time onward, new laboratories were established and a programme was begun under Treub's guidance for the foundation of various agricultural research stations all over the colony. In 1890 he founded the Maatschappij ter Bevordering van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Koloniën (Society for the promotion of natural scientific research in the Dutch colonies, commonly known as the `Treub Maatschappij'). Treub acquired a forest preserve next to the mountain garden in Tjibodas (now Cibodas) where, in 1891, a new field laboratory was founded.
Treub's own research dealt with various plant diseases, rice crops, the embryology and biohistory of club ferns, the fertilization of Casuarina, the embryology of Ficus and Elatostema, the plant sociology of the rain forest, and floras of Buitenzorg and of the recolonized island Krakatoa. Treub's merits were recognized by the colonial authorities who, in 1898, gave him the honourary title of professor although there was as yet no university in the Dutch East Indies. In 1905 Treub married Antoinette Petronella Vogel. The marriage remained childless. In that same year a Department of Agriculture was founded of which Treub became the first director.
In 1909 Treub retired for health reasons. He settled in Southern France where he died of persistent malaria in St. Raphael on 3 October 1910.
- Buitenzorg 
- biology student , Leiden
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Member Afd. Natuurkunde 08-05-1879 - Royal Society of London
Foreign Member 01-06-1899 - Nederlands Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congres
Member [..1890] - 1894
- Treub, M., Verslagen Natuurkunde 19, 1910/11, p. 484-487 door D.J. Korteweg.
- Bibliografie van Biografieën van biologen, dierkundigen, kruidkundigen, plantkundigen, biohistorici, natuurbeschermers, natuurfotografen, natuurillustratoren, natuurschilders etc. voor 1950 geboren.
- Ledenlijst Vereeniging het Nederl. Natuur- en Geneesk. Congres (1890).
Felix Andries Vening Meinesz
MALEDen Haag, Netherlands 30-07-1887 - † Amersfoort, Netherlands 10-08-1966
Member Group(s)
- KNAW-Lid
Variant Names
Dissertation: N/AHighest degree: N/A
Fields of interest:
- Amersfoort 
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Member Afd. Natuurkunde 28-05-1927 - Royal Society of London
Foreign Member 25-06-1936
- Vening Meinesz, F.A., Verslagen Natuurkunde 75, 1966, p. 107-109 door C.J. Gorter; Jaarboek 1966/67, p. 364-370 door W. Nieuwenkamp.
Henricus Gerardus Jacobus Maria Kuypers
MALERotterdam, Netherlands 09-09-1925 - † Cambridge, United Kingdom 26-09-1989
Member Group(s)
- KNAW-Lid
Variant Names
- Kuypers, Henricus Gerardus Jacobus Maria
Dissertation: Vezelverbindingen van de Substantia Grisea Centralis in de Middenhersenen (Leiden, 1952)Highest degree: Prof. dr.
Fields of interest:
- Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Member Afd. Natuurkunde 26-07-1980 - Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Foreign Member Afd. Natuurkunde 1984-11 - Royal Society of London
Fellow 17-03-1988
- Kuypers, H.G.J.M., Levensberichten en herdenkingen 1992, p. 39-41 door J.W.F. Beks en H. K. A. Visser.
- Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1992 vol 38 pp 185-207, plate, by C G Phillips and R W Guillery